I’ve been using Visual Studio for almost 20 years as my primary code editor /project manager and for all that time it’s been solid. If there were errors it told you and highlighted/underlined them before you tried to build no matter where the error was in the entire solution.
I am willing to accept a slight decrease that solidness in order to gain the extra flexibility provided by dotnet core over framework. However…
My experience with the recent updates to Visual Studio have culminated into a state where errors that exists are not detected, or if they are (ex. on rebuild) they are only reported, not underlined. Once I find and fix the error it remains in the list until I rebuild, if there are other errors it will remain until I find and fix each of them (which themselves will remain in the error list…) and finally rebuild.
I’ve adjusted options, to no avail. Sometimes restarting VS helps for a few minutes sometimes deleting the .vs folder will help for a few more…I feel like It used to be a lot nicer.
Today I’m seriously considering moving to a plain code editor and using the donet cli for build/test/publish.
Is anyone else experiencing problems like this?
Today, a VS update 17.13.3 has been released which apparently fixes Blazor projects breaks Intellisense 17.12.2
… and the intellisense is broken on every restart. I have to delete the .vs folder before every working session. …
Gods yes. I’ve had so many errors spontaneously come into existence these past few months, that are resolved by rebooting the computer. I’m guessing it’s some language server fuckery.
One of the biggest annoyances for me is that it’ll spontaneously decide that WASM tools isn’t installed. I was working on this project about two hours ago and everything worked fine, decided to go for a walk with my dog, and when I came back suddenly the project no longer builds because WASM tools has ceased to exist. I found this thread while scrolling through Lemmy waiting for the umpteenth reinstall of WASM tools.
Some days I’m thinking about just… throwing my computer out the window and moving to convent or something. I hate tech.
I don’t see such problems.
I’ve recently repairing (installer, repair) my VS installation, which had a borked extension installation. Took a while to execute, but then it worked again. If you’re seeing seemingly cached and inconsistent behavior, you could try repairing the installation.
When it comes to .NET languages, no, I virtually never have issues with error reporting. Individual errors do get stuck in the list VERY occasionally, but usually a clean will clear them out. Seems to be an issue with continual compilation sometimes crashing in the background.
When it comes to non-.NET languages, most notably for me being TypeScript, yeah, it’s a lot less reliable, but still well within the margin of usable. The TypeScript IntelliSense engine tends to only parse and report on files that are open, or have been opened recently. Biggest thing is that the TypeScript IntelliSense engine and TypeScript build engine don’t coordinate, so after a build, every error will appear twice, once with “Build:” as a prefix, and once without. And the “Build:” errors don’t clear until the next build.
I have never seen anything like what your screenshot shows. What is the project architecture here?
You’re looking at a service that’s pulled in by a viewmodel in a WPF application. I know WPF errors are notoriously bad, but this is happening in simple library projects too (I don’t do any web dev)…I’m on 17.13.1, I see .2 just came out but at this point I think I just want off the ride. OTOH, maybe my install got jacked and I need to reinstall.