From a few days ago, but didn’t see discussions around this

  • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
    1317 days ago

    The amazing part is when you stop and actually look at the numbers it is maybe a kid or 2 per district, when the GOP would make you believe these kids are replacing whole teams. It’s such a non-issue (in the sense that the amount of trans kids in sports is a fraction of a percent) that the GOP has vilified so they can use it as a wedge issue in there ultimate goal of defunding public education and forcing kids all into a for profit private school system the Supreme Court can rule is outside of gov control. They can then begin indoctrination of all their crazy shit without issue while the people at the top make bank.

    417 days ago

    Unfortunately, the headline overstates their support:

    transgender and gender nonconforming students shall be permitted to participate in physical education classes and intramural sports in a manner consistent with their gender identity. Participation in competitive athletic activities and contact sports will be resolved on a case-by-case basis.

    So “play” yes, but “compete” is still very much a question mark.