
Recently terminated federal workers face not only unemployment challenges but also hurtful reactions from family members who support the government cuts.

Luke Tobin, fired from the Forest Service, and Kristin Jenn, whose Park Service job was frozen, describe relatives celebrating their job losses as necessary to “make the government great again.”

Former Park Service employee Riley Rackliffe encountered social media comments calling him a “glorified pool boy” despite his Ph.D.

Some workers report family members unfriending them on social media or dismissing their positions as “waste.”

    • Growing up, I had always heard “brothers fighting on opposite sides of the battlefield” types of stories from the American civil war. I always wondered how people could let it get that bad. Nowadays though…

      3521 days ago

      I wonder what the long-term fallout from this massive fracture is going to be… even if we somehow manage to avert catastrophe…

      I don’t think there’s really a way to come back from this whole thing for, like, most people…

    21 days ago

    “It’s really hurtful for the president to insinuate that you don’t exist or that your job consisted of sitting at home doing nothing and cashing the paycheck,” he says. “I’d like to see him sifting through spiny naiad in 120-degree weather looking for parasitic snails. He’s the one that goes golfing on the government dime. I don’t even know how to golf.”

    Although I don’t think much will get through to MAGA people, the hypocrisy is what gives me the most hope. Trump’s mind is so unlike his voters’ that he doesn’t deserve to represent them.

    Like, I wake up earlier than my wife. She has back problems, but I like to keep the kitchen nice for her and not remind her of it. So every day I unload the entire dishwasher, carefully putting away every plate, knife, glass without making noise. I don’t mean it as a virtue-signal, we all probably do little things like this. I just mean, can you even imagine Trump doing something like that? Imagine him caring about someone other than him that much? Imagine having to live so intentionally and carefully for any reason at all?

    That should get through to them, right?

    • sp3ctr4l
      21 days ago

      MAGA people are not capable of empathy.

      They are a delusional death cult.

      Maybe its possible to convince one of the few remaining Trump critical Republicans, but MAGA people are gone.

      I no longer talk to my family because of this.

      They only understand pain that personally affects them, and even then, they’re quite likely to delusionally invent a new element to their conspiracy theory cluster fuck that consitutes their worldview/religion.

      Maybe they’ll wake up when they, personally, are now homeless and the entire economy around them has collapsed… but maybe not.

      1521 days ago

      I suspect a lot of them wouldn’t even be able to understand what you’re doing or why. And that might make them slightly uncomfortable, so they’d judge you just in order not to have to think about it.

        521 days ago

        I’d like to see him sifting through spiny naiad in 120-degree weather looking for parasitic snails.

        “Those are made-up words!”

      1121 days ago

      Like people have been saying for nearly a decade now: “I don’t know how to explain to you why you should care about other people.”

      • I remember when I was a teenager and starting to question religion I talked to my sister about it a little. She was certain that if we didn’t have Christianity that everyone would just be going around raping and killing each other. I was super confused at the time (cause I was a child) but a little later realized oh, she has no empathy or morals, no internal sense of right and wrong…and she doesn’t know that other people actually do. The convo was confusing because at the time I didn’t understand her at all when she asked things like ‘without hell what would stop you from killing people?’. A little later I started thinking about how many people thought this way and if it was possibly enough to f up a democracy. Anyway here we are

    12621 days ago

    The same people celebrating that Obamacare is gone, and being shocked when Affordable Care Act which they depend on suddenly disappears.

        20 days ago

        You’re absolutely right. It’s been 7 years for me. I grieved them and still do occasionally. It’s just not worth it to let them be a part of my life anymore.

      1321 days ago

      Amen. They don’t live in the same reality as normal people anymore. My mother passed away last summer, and though I wasn’t surprised that she’d supported Trump, working through her belongings and mail and email, it was eye opening how disconnected she was from reality. She had a bottle of whatever the dewormer was that Trump was shilling. She has a ton of Iraqi, Venezuelan, Vietnamese and Zimbabwean currency and her email go down rabbit holes I’d never heard of. All while living in genuine squalor. Unable to take care of herself and living in real filth. True diehard Trump supporter.

    • I accepted it when I was a teenager. What’s difficult is getting people that grew up in loving families to comprehend that I’m not anti family, and would love to have a family I could talk to, but the one I was born into are unempathtic narracisstic Nazis.

      ‘Have you tried x? Have you tried y? I don’t think you’re trying z enough’

      One close friend recently married into a similar family and it’s been super eye opening for them.

        520 days ago

        People unfamiliar with narcissistic abusive families really do not know, cannot conceptualize, how bad the trauma is for those who have lived inside them.

        • Agreed. My parents died last year. All I felt was anger. I’ve had to hand two people to the rear view mirror because they can’t accept they are ignorant of the situation.

      2520 days ago

      A little stress, a little money problems, super easy to manufacture. Give them a common enemy. The people below them, the people that look different. They band together. Education is attacked. Now any propaganda works. Even the most stupid shit gets the conspiracy theorists wet. They evangelise. This is their circle of trust. Family not in the circle will not convert, they are seen as pompous and corrupt. They are promised that the people responsible will be hurt.

      It’s not magic or impressive. People are easily programmed. The evolutionary traits that gave us advantages hundreds of generations ago are easy strings to grasp.

    5321 days ago

    And this is why I have no faith in the recovery of this country. After everything that’s happened, these people are cheering on the destruction of the country.

    • Gloomy
      721 days ago

      And they have been conditioned to think the exact same thing about you (or Democrats in general).

    4521 days ago

    “They can’t separate their ideology and their politics from supporting their own family and their own loved ones,” says Tobin.

    I can’t say I’m surprised at that trait from those that hold these politics in the first place.

      1520 days ago

      I’m not convinced that is really the issue. I think we have a lot of people who’ve been programmed to be terrible people. Some one I’ve know my entire life was always a joy to be around, but over the last ten years, their news and media consumption changed to Fox then to ONN and down so weird rabbit holes. Now the last time I was around it was all about how this country is going to hell and we need a savior like Trump to bring it back.

        720 days ago

        If you’re that easily manipulated into being terrible, then maybe you were never such a good person to begin with.

          420 days ago

          Perhaps. But I look at our current media-sphere as something akin to the Stanford prison experiment or the third wave experiment. Only that it is being waged all around you. I live in the heart of the old south, I am soaked in negative media and people who live in a feedback loop. At work, especially during Covid I had to endure some of the stupidest conversations and I had to give up even reasonable conversations about daily life.

          What I attribute my ability to disconnect from the local culture I’m surrounded by is the fact that I’m not religious. Religion in the US has taken quite a dark turn.

      • Queen HawlSera
        120 days ago

        Republicans have tricked people into embracing a “tough love”, the idea that empathy is toxic and that if you really care about someone you must push them to the breaking point so they’ll “Pick themselves up by their bootstraps”

        It’s disgusting

    2921 days ago

    Hes got more Austrian economists/monetarists plans coming. Project 2025 limits the money supply growth dramatically, supposedly in order to prevent asset bubbles in areas like housing.

    21 days ago

    how disgusting for people to celebrate others misery. makes it really easy to understand who is on your side and who is not though, I’ve decided enough is enough and began the process of cutting these people out of my lives.

    short term, it sucks right now. but I know down the line, I will thank myself for doing this now

      21 days ago

      I don’t blame anyone for cutting MAGA folks off at this point, but it depresses me that it will just make the problem worse. Even if minimal, your contact with them impedes propaganda by, even a little, preventing their reality from going unopposed.

      It’s not your responsibility, but disconnecting is a natural vicious cycle, a radicalization accelerant.

        521 days ago

        man, I get it. but it just brings me down when I try to talk to these people. I’ll reconnect after awhile, but now? idk…

    2821 days ago

    This is just me, but if I was fired by some felon rapist traitor trying to appease a bunch of neckbeard losers, and anyone in my life voted for that felon rapist traitor, after he made it clear he was going to do so, I would probably never speak to them again.

    Your family has to earn and maintain your respect, just like anyone else does.

    2521 days ago

    Trump renamed Denali the mountain but not Denali the park? That seems appropriately half-assed of him.

    1621 days ago

    It’s disappointing that these are my countrymen. These people that don’t see the value of conserving our lands, yet call themselves conservatives.