We cannot navigate the current moment using existing political frames or received wisdom.
Break down the fences, break down the walls.
Chase these traitors down all of the halls.
Round them up quick, as quick as a wink.
And at noon, the hang 'em high time, let justice ring.
For every deed done, a reckoning’s due.
Restore the balance, the world made anew.
Break down the fences, break down the chains.
Only from justice will hope remain.
A new news blog by an actual journalist.
According to the online chatterati upset with Schumer, a shutdown is desirable because it would halt DOGE and other rampant destruction currently occurring while the lights are on. But this is false. DOGE’s wrecking ball will continue unabated — deeming itself essential, as it would — and gaining site and data access across agencies. A shutdown just means no one is there to stop them, and Musk himself has said he prefers a shutdown because it will make DOGE’s job easier.
Troy continues:
There is no reason to think a shutdown in 2025 would not be permanent. (…) Democrats are being baited into playing old-world games.
And then he goes on to explain how the US 2-party system has become useless and how exactly that has led to the situation we’re in now (amongst other things imho).
I think I like this writer. But he really needs an editor, the first part of the article is full of errors.
But the military doesn’t get paid during a shutdown.
A shutdown just means no one is there to stop them
Nobody is stopping them! At best they get turned away on one day and welcomed with open arms the next. Their job gets only slightly easier if they meet no resistance and I could even see it being made harder if they need access to something and the ones with the keys or passwords isn’t there.
US 2-party system has become useless
The problem with this statement is there is no changing it short of rewriting the Constitution, and there is no rewriting it without burning down the existing order. Amendments have no hope of passing and if they did, right now it would be only the far right with close to enough states to ratify.
Fundamentally, adhering to the idea that the existing framework has failed us is a call to revolution. Bloody and barreling toward an uncertain end. I’m just not sure everyone actually realizes it.
If that proposition is correct, then there is no other reasonable conclusion. So I hope it’s not correct, because I’d rather not see those times.
First of all, just read the article, it addresses your points. Except the one that this necessarily has to get physically violent.
But what sort of times would you like to see then, in the USA, going forward? What’s your idea of getting over the current situation, preferably towards the better?
I don’t know, man. But revolution is painful and violent and if you look at others, it often takes about 100 years to get everything sorted. See the French and Russian revolutions. Thailand is a bit behind and Russia almost made it but then backslid and is over 100 years now.
That’s a lifetime of murder, coups, sexual violence and hardship. Even if it is the only choice, I’m in no hurry.
At this point I’m hopeful Trump teaches a lesson to the next generation. It’ll be forgotten in time just like I can watch WW2 fade in relevance, but it might make things good for 50 years.
A thorough repudiation of Trump carries with it a lot of more egalitarian policies. Basically, if he pushes the pendulum hard enough, it will swing back just as hard. I hope. He’s literally fucking up every single thing and is being a right wing wet dream. He is dismantling their entire philosophy while giving them everything they want.
No. Fuck this shit. Don’t bend the knee and kiss the ring you fucking pussies.
What are you refering to? Did you read the article? Breaking the fourth wall in this context essentially means direct action. break the barrier between the people and politics.
And he explains in lots of detail why a government shutdown is not a good idea (see my other comment or just read the article, it’s fun).
I didn’t read it, but what in the fuck domain is “https://america2.news”?
Some news blog. america2 stands for “America 2.0”. Apparently run by Dave Troy, an actual journalist.
We are going to see more of this as news outlets (and journalists) are also under attack, and many try to find another way to get the word out (and make an honest buck).
The actual URL is america2.news (whatever that is).
In this case it’s because OP got the link wrong and added a ” (smart quote) to the end, and Lemmy encoded it in the same way that international domain names are encoded (like if it includes Chinese).
Looks like they fixed it
Mods need to start vetting domains. I’ve seen so many random sources on here that I can’t even keep track.