Do not bend the knee cause the demands will not stop.
Shut down the university completely instead. Shut it down and let the world know it was because of this crackpot dictator. This will cause outrage and outrage is what is needed right now.
Outrage from the streets, all the way to the capital, all the way to Oval Office, all the way to hidden bunkers, to drag this traitor into the open and divested of everything.
Break down the fences, break down the walls.
Chase these traitors down all of the halls.
Round them up quick, as quick as a wink.
And at noon, the hang 'em high time, let justice ring.
For every deed done, a reckoning’s due.
Restore the balance, the world made anew.
Break down the fences, break down the chains.
Only from justice will hope remain.