• @WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    777 days ago

    He’s the adult version of that kid we all knew in middle school - the one who was creepy and awkward and desperate to get the cool kids to like him and he talked too much and laughed too loud in a way that sounded like he could tip over into hysteria any second, and the only thing he had going for him was that his family had money, so he always got the latest and coolest games and toys and he’d show them off in the desperate hope that someone would want to play with him but nobody ever did because he was just so desperate and creepy.

    • Some kid pushed him down the stairs and seriously injured him when he was in school, and I don’t blame them. I guess it’s a chicken/egg situation, but I think generally you don’t get pushed down stairs if you aren’t an absolute shit.

      • @WatDabney@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        157 days ago

        Some kid pushed him down the stairs and seriously injured him when he was in school

        True story?

        I wouldn’t doubt it.

        I really know very little about Musk’s past in a biographical sense, but as a lifelong student of human nature - both collectively and individually - I know him all too well.

        and I don’t blame them

        Nor do I.

        You can see it in his mannerisms and the look on his face. He was and still is one of those people who’s unjustifiably smug - who’s obnoxiously arrogant in spite of the fact that everyone around him just thinks he’s a loudmouthed asshole. And the secret behind it is that he’s actually desperately insecure and his entire life is bent toward (over)compensating for that.

        He’s obnoxiously smug and arrogant because he has virtually no empathy or understanding of other people, so he doesn’t know how to act to actually appeal to people.

        But he sees other people who do know how to act and who have spent a lifetime earning respect and admiration, and he sees their confidence and that’s what he wants. So, failing to understand even the most basic principles, he jumps right past the earning respect and admiration stage and to the confidence stage, and unable to even pull that off convincingly, he just ends up smug and obnoxious.

        Which makes people dislike him, which leads him to try to compensate, which ends up just being more obnoxious arrogance, which makes people dislike him and 'round and 'round it goes.

        • I don’t know if it’s been confirmed by Musk, but it’s been stated by his (also shithead) dad in an interview:

          He also recalled a time when Elon made a hurtful comment to a schoolmate about his father’s suicide.

          The boy pushed Elon down a staircase at school, injuring him so badly he had to be hospitalised.

          When he heard what had happened, Errol wanted to defend his son.

          “But I realised Elon overstepped the mark with this little boy. I had to drop it,” he said.

          The way he is would be sad if it wasn’t completely self inflicted, and also hurting a lot of other people.

    • The Quuuuuill
      107 days ago

      fame and wealth are forms of abuse. he never learned why the other kids hated him because his home environment sheltered him from connecting with others

  • @skozzii@lemmy.ca
    7 days ago

    Thats because Elon is actually an idiot who has lots of people tricked … have you actually heard him try and talk about a subject you happen to be well informed on? Turns out he has no clue and just uses big words and lies alot.

    Elon Musk is the ultimate Dunning-Krueger.

    • Tar_Alcaran
      257 days ago

      He talks well enough to fool someone who doesn’t know shit, with the confidence of someone who knows everything.

      But if you have even a wikipedia level of knowledge, you know he’s talking shit. Nonstop shit.

    • @Burninator05@lemmy.world
      67 days ago

      Empathy is also a social contract. In order to recieve empathy you have to be willing to show it towards others. You can’t expect to reap the benefits of a contract that you fail to uphold your side of.

      • @Aceticon@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        16 days ago

        People can’t really receive Empathy since that’s an inherent human ability in others. Also Empathy itself is an entirelly emotional thing - it’s feeling a reflection of what others are feeling - that involves no reasoning.

        At most what can happen is that those who do have more empathy can turn it down a bit for some and leave it at a higher level for others, but those who have less empathy (or none, such as psychopaths) are literally unable to empathise more even if they wanted to.

        So I don’t think it’s Empathy that’s the social contract, I think it’s more something like Respect For Others’ Feelings, as in “I’ll respect the fellings of those who themselves respect the feelings of other people”, which works even for people who have no empathy because beyond a certain level of feeling even psychopaths can see the external effects of an emotion in others and determine rationally - rather than via empathy - what those feelings are and take them into account, and thus they can refrain from doing things that cause certain feeling in others.

  • Queen HawlSera
    156 days ago

    Claims Empathy is bad Is surprised when no one has empathy for him

    I don’t think the problem is a lack of heart, but rather a lack of brain.

  • @umbrella@lemmy.ml
    126 days ago

    i have a feeling he does and hes not as much of a clueless naive kid this article insinuates.

    • @BilboBargains@lemmy.world
      36 days ago

      Awareness is not a binary. He probably has moments when he’s painfully aware of unpopularity e.g. on stage with Chappelle. We all live in some kind of bubble, it would be intolerable not to. His trajectory is common to someone like a rebel leader who becomes a dictator and eventually a tyrant where he’s despised by everyone except the few people around him. They typically recede from public life but never let go of power.

  • @El_guapazo@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    2 points to consider. 1. He said that empathy is the weakness of Western civilization and his cronies are saying that empathy is a sin. 2. He posted a meme comic saying that unless you’re capable of great violence that you’re basically harmless and thus easily ignored. This is what he wants.

  • @some_dude@lemm.ee
    167 days ago

    What if his Ketamine runs out and then he snaps back to reality like oops there goes gravity

  • @lobut@lemmy.ca
    187 days ago

    He’s doing a Fox News thing. He’s saying people are mean to him because he’s telling the truth and it’s the woke left that’s got a problem with it.

    • @Asafum@feddit.nl
      167 days ago

      He’s also doing the fox news thing of being incredibly mean to people in one sentence and then 5 minutes later crying about people being mean to him…

      Forever the victim with these fuckers even when they’re putting their neck stomping boots on.

  • @sad_detective_man@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    136 days ago

    keeps fucking with people’s lives and futures cuz he thinks it’s a funny joke to do that

    wHy DoEs nOBoDy LiKe mE??? i ThOuHgT i wAs tHe funNY mEmE SAvE-ThE-wOrLD MAn

  • Mak'
    146 days ago

    It’s a completely self-solvable problem: Don’t act like an awful person.

    I mean, if you have empathy, it’s not really hard to suss out the causes and work to fix them… 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • barnaclebutt
    157 days ago

    All that money, everyone still thinks you’re a boring, unfunny dork.