She got honoured with a monument in Alingsås for exactly this. There is also an Wikipedia article about this incidence.
The man hit by Danielsson was identified as Seppo Seluska, a militant from the Nordic Realm Party later convicted for the torture and murder of a gay Jew.
Of course he did.
The statue is awesome, but it fails to capture the hatred and aggression in the photo.
Yeah I was going to say, the statue didn’t capture her facial expression.
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Back then Nazis were nearly universally understood as bad. Especially since there still were many living survivors of the Nazi’s genocide.
If this happened today, the left would get endless criticism. But I fully agree we should bring this back.
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They understood how talking to nazis needs to be done.
B-but it’s literally Nazism to refuse to tolerate Nazis!!!1! (Never mind the fact that tolerance would be the thirst thing to go in a Nazi-dominated society.)
“The Old Woman with the Handbag”
38-year-old woman
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She easily looks 5-10 years older than my wife and I. And we’re in our mid 40s. But that still wouldn’t make her an old lady at this point.
The statue is titled, “The Old Woman with the Handbag”.
The woman in the picture was 38 when it was taken. The artist made her look older for some reason.
I think it’s just time doing its thing. The artist probably saw her as old because she dressed like an old person dressed in 2015.
I don’t think she was particularly youthful-looking in 1985 either tbh.
Probably not, no, but I can’t see what else lead to the name. The artist must just have assumed due to clothing and style.
I’m happy to hear that the statu finally was put up. There was so much debate and arguments about it, mostly about it encouraging violence especially if taken out of context and also her still living family being unhappy with the portraition of her.
I remember the debates but I never actually heard how it ended.
Violence against nazis ought to be legal. These are monsters who have committed genocide and routinely kill their target demographics. Punching a nazi is self-defence, this lady is a fucking hero.
This woman is a hero. Punching a Nazi is always right, but it’s not always legal (nor should it be). I feel comfortable holding both of those stances at once.
yeah how cool would it be to have militias fighting in the streets again. the world is so boring without political violence and car bombs blowing up little children
That’s exactly how it will be if the Nazis you’re protecting aren’t suppressed.
They aren’t protecting Nazis. It’s reactionary thinking to believe that violence on the streets is the only thing one can do against Nationalists.
You’re right. It’s even more justified to kick Nazis out of private spaces. If you let known Nazis into your space, it’s a Nazi space. Of course you can do other things to fight Nazis, but we must make ideas that are as terrible as fascism unacceptable in public. Ideally, we’d force cops to crack down on Nazis through laws. This would get rid of open Nazis while also forcing some of the worst cops off the force. Nazi cops would need to persecute people who think like them or risk losing their jobs.
Justification of genocide will never be acceptable, but as the bullshit between Israel and Palestine clearly shows, humanity isn’t ready to outlaw it. Due to the ludicrous destructive power humanity possesses, ideas incompatible with the existence of benign human difference are incompatible with peace. All popular religions can be just. All cultures can adjust themselves to exist with the rest of the world. However, tolerance has to be mutual, and if someone holds on to intolerance as an idea, we must not tolerate them for that idea. There is no peaceful or tolerant version of fascism, so it can never be allowed.
Yeah, tell yourself that
hello fellow escalation spiral enjoyer, let us revel in bloodshed together!
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Racist trolling is not welcome here.
When I was 15 I dated an older boy who cheated on me with his adopted sister’s sister (who was 13 to his 18 years) because I wouldn’t have sex with him. Yes - all round awful. He and his sister-child girlfriend hounded me and my immediate family for months and months for some reason. We had to go to the police in the end. Many years later my nana confessed that she bumped into him in a shopping centre around that time and he pretended he didn’t know her. She chased him down and hit him upside the head with her heavily overloaded handbag while shouting “that’s for being such a little shit to my granddaughter!” Best part - the mates who were with him nearly pissed themselves laughing at him. I’ve often tried to envision the scene and it’s not unlike this photo. Love you nana.
I read all of that and really wondered where that story was going. Well done.
I hadn’t thought about it in such a long time but it sprang to mind the second I saw that photo. And it was really late and my partner was asleep so I decided to share my weird, barely relevant, but kinda wholesome story with some strangers!
I was expecting a drop through the announcer table
Oh cool, bullshit revenge porn.
I believe the Dead Kennedys said it best:
Nazi punks fuck off.
The Dicks also had a good position by mod
And Zionist genociders taking queues from nazis fuck off
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Arabs haven’t gotten me to scream anything, the Israelis and their actions have. And you’re exactly right, they continue to ethnically cleanse the area like good little Nazis.
I hope whatever was in the handbag was heavy and hard.
Batteries. And M20 nuts.
That’s a big nut.
Meh, that guy looks midsized.
Hopefully bricks. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, but a brain dead one incapable of doing anything is almost as good.
That picture is beautiful. Taken at just the right perfect moment.
That stance is awesome. You can make a whole King of Fighters character solely from it. More in context, I hope that guy didn’t react very nazi-like against her.
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Why is that picture in black and white if it was taken in the 80’s?
Color film was, and still is, considerably more expensive than black and white. Probably just what they had in their camera!
Also most news papers didn’t swap to color photography until the late 90s, so if it’s a reporter it’s likely they had black and white film
Color film also requires more light. By making all elements of the film sensitive to all visible light, your essentially triple it’s sensitivity to light vs color.
🤔🤔🤔 I wonder if they still make old photo film.
They do! It’s relatively simple to develop black and white film too
Can you still buy those types of cameras, or do you have to go to antique shops to get them?
Man, having an old camera like that would be so cool. You could use them to make movies and stuff, too, and avoid disputes over whether video was authentic or a deepfake.
The cameras are still sold, ebay is filled up with them. The gain of popularity of these cameras has caused quite a spike in prices though, be aware.
Unfortunately the only cameras that still use 35mm for sale on the market are point and shoots and leicas as far as I know. There is definitely a great variety of tested and we’ll maintained cameras for sale online.
Punching a radical islamist would have a very different outcome. European neonazi were and are a joke.
The Dagestani did this yesterday but now the world gets really mad when you’re not nice to people that commit genocide.
Israeli civilians are not the same as neonazis. Please avoid conflating the actions of the Israeli government with the actions of civilians, or approving of antisemitic mob violence.
Yo, what do you guys think she was packin in that bag?! 🤣
The audio in my head that goes with this photo is that old woman from the original Total Recall that Arnold grabbed the case from and she yelled at him, “Fuck you, you asshole!”
She is probably USSR spy. Typical babushka.