Seeing that they need quite a lot of clean water, which is not widely available everywhere during the entire year in big amounts, especially with these droughts due to climate change.

  • You need water to generate steam to turn a turbine and make electricity (same for coal, natural gas, fusion). However, many advanced reactor designs do not use water for the reactor coolant itself, unlike light water reactors that do. They use gas, molten salt, or liquid metals. As a result, you can get to quite high temperatures useful for process heat, such as hydrogen production. Direct desalination might also be doable, the issue/question being on the design of the non-nuclear side of the plant.

    A lot of Gen IV designs are in the process of commercialization now, with demonstrations slated for later this decade.

    161 year ago

    I wouldn’t worry too much about water availability for cooling (even though it’s an issue). I see a bigger “political” issue

    A safe nuclear industry requires at laest the two following stuff

    • A solid academic and industrial tradition, able to train skilled engineer and technician, but also researcher to prepare the future.

    • A government strong enough to deal with the NIMBY, but weak enough to have an independent nuclear safety agency able to perform audits without caring about political pressure.

    This works in a country like France, may still work in a country like Germany or US (even though NIMBY have more power there) but many country especially in the * third world* don’t have either trained “nuclear scientists” or a government able to guarantee nuclear safety

      61 year ago

      We can deal with NIMBY in certain situations, we (US) do have eminent domain laws where the govt is legally allowed to take your stuff, write you a check for an amount that should cover it, and wave you on your way.

      We use it to build highways and stuff.

      Nuclear is much harder, admittedly.

    161 year ago

    Nuclear is feasible in lots of places if the question is, “given enough money can we build a nuclear plant here?”

    Nuclear gets much less feasible if the question is, “how do we generate electricity in the most cost effective way we can?”

    151 year ago

    What do you define as nuclear power? Because something like Pioneer 10 which is in space since 1972, is using a nuclear reactor to provide its power, and it is still working.

      51 year ago

      yep. a lot of variance in different configurations of radioisotope thermoelectric generators - anywhere between a few watts to 5kW if they’re designed to be modular. TEG’s are crazy efficient, they just sit there & decay, producing power.

  • Most power generation methods like coal have similar requirements, and it doesn’t have to be clean water. In costal areas, seawater can be used just fine.

      21 year ago

      Can this be an effective method of desalinization?

      If seawater is used, couldn’t the steam be captured for fresh water?

        61 year ago

        You use seawater for cooling the systems. You could use excess power to run desalination plants, but not use the reactor directly.

    121 year ago

    They’re not economically feasible anywhere right now. Unfortunately nuclear power is very expensive compared to all the alternatives. Unless there’s some radical breakthrough I can’t see much nuclear being built in the future. No company would pay such a huge up-front cost to produce uneconomic electricity.

    So the strict answer is - no, they’re not feasible everywhere. And also not feasible pretty much anywhere.

      101 year ago

      If anyone bothered to include externalities, nuclear is more than competitive. And a ton of the costs are purely regulatory. Sadly, the incompetence of the Soviets ruined nuclear power and likely doomed the planet.

        • blargerer
          81 year ago

          How much do you know about Three Mile Island? Fukushima was built in a stupid location, so lets not do that again. But Three Mile Island is often way over blown.

          • AmidFuror
            41 year ago

            It’s public perception that is important here. That’s where the impact of Chernobyl is for building new plants. Public perception of the other events furthers doubts about the safety. It’s also easy to have hindsight about Fukushima, but it was built nonetheless.

          1 year ago

          With Three Mile Island everything that could go wrong did and it still wound up being an overblown non-issue. There have been exactly 0 environmental or health impacts due to Three Mile Island despite it being the worst nuclear disaster in US history.

          Fukushima was built in a stupid location. How about we don’t build nuclear power plants on fault lines in tsunami prone areas. Literally 4 different fault lines converge on Japan, it is not a place anyone should be building nuclear power plants.

    81 year ago

    The largest hurdles to nuclear power are PR. Water usage of nuclear plants is able to recycle most if not all of what they utilize and the high energy density and capable power output makes it much more economical to pump water from further away to sustain the plant and needs of regional communities, especially compared to fossil fuels plants that largely use water in the same capacity as nuclear. If a coal or gas plant was viable in a location, then nuclear would be just as if not more capable in that location.

    You could replace every coal plant in the world with nuclear and the only major logistics disruption would be supplying them with enough uranium.

      21 year ago

      No shit.

      The solution there is that ideally no human is allowed to make a mistake significant enough to have any impact.

      If Bob the nuclear engineer does something fucking stupid, but there’s an automated failsafe that resolves the problem… was there really that big of a problem?

      This issue is… that stuff gets expensive quick.

      • If Bob the nuclear engineer does something fucking stupid, but there’s an automated failsafe that resolves the problem… was there really that big of a problem?

        Sure. The idea is plausible. They have tried such strategies, and improved them for several decades, and they seriously believed that all would be good enough. But Chernobyl and Fukushima have taught us that it is not possible to do it without super terrible accidents that cost simply too much (money, lives, health etc). So, we know now that mankind is not able.

          11 year ago

          “super terrible accidents”

          Yes. Super terrible accidents that result in fewer deaths than any other power source per kilowatt/hr. (Even factoring in generous increases in cancer rates).

    51 year ago

    Slightly off topic, there are about 450 nuclear plants on earth. A noted MIT study in 1989 estimated that each nuclear plant only has a worst case nuclear accident every 20000 years.

    Statistically that would make one every 44 years.

    In our history we have had nuclear power plants for about 60 years, and so far there were three worst case nuclear accidents.

      81 year ago

      Yeah, but those worst case nuclear accidents have nothing on coal in terms of a death count. They sound scary, but overall don’t come even close to it.

        1 year ago

        True but In 2023 the alternatives are not nuclear vs coal, but nuclear vs wind and solar. The fallout for each accident is immense. Western Europe dealt with Tschernobyl for years. Japan was just lucky that the wind blew in the other direction.

        If the world triples nuclear power plants, and we deal with an accident every 7-10 years, that’s gonna be a serious problem, even if it is “just” country sized areas that become unfarmable or so.

          1 year ago

          A study from 1989 doesn’t apply to modern plants built 35 years later, it really doesn’t make sense to extrapolate it like this.

            1 year ago

            While true, the study obviously underestimated the evidence we gathered in the real world. It’s not simple to handle numbers with many 0 behind them, therefore it’s good to have multiple approaches.

          11 year ago

          “Dealt with Chernobyl for years…”

          You realise that all the estimated premature deaths are less than respiratory issues from air pollution. We could have a Chernobyl every year and it would be an improvement.

      31 year ago

      That 3 in 60 is pretty loaded since Chernobyl simply would not have been possible with western reactors of the same design year, to say nothing of what passed as modern than and even more so now.

        51 year ago

        It would also not have been possible with their design, if all the failguards wouldn’t have failed.

        But 2 in 60 years, both of western design, is still more than that study estimated.

  • Madrigal
    51 year ago

    Wouldn’t want them anywhere that is prone to earthquakes - the entire Pacific rim, for example.

      41 year ago

      They can be built to deal with things like earthquakes. The catch is the cost goes up. Nuclear is already an expensive option, so that can get prohibitive.

    41 year ago

    For the foreseeable future, nuclear would work fine. As long as there isn’t corrosive compounds the water works fine, and there is enough uranium alone to power nuclear plants for the next 2000 years

      11 year ago

      Wait, only 2000 years? As in this is how much we’ve mined or is this how much is available to mine? And is that assuming we maintain our current level of consumption? 2000 years feels way too short for something that all of humanity relies on.

      • Capt. Wolf
        11 year ago

        Considering how long we’ve had nuclear power and how short a time electricity has widely been in use, 2000 years is a crazy long time. Given how quickly we’ve developed power generation technology, it’s highly likely that we adopt other technologies like solar, wind, and hopefully fusion reactors long before we run out of uranium.