This totally true anecdote features a friend who “can’t recall the names of his parents [but] remember[s] the one thing he’d be safer forgetting.”

  • @swlabr
    81 year ago

    If you or a loved one have been hit by a car, suffered amnesia, and only remembered the AI thought experiment equivalent of “The Game”, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

  • @gerikson
    51 year ago

    I can’t tell if this is a serious subreddit, because Poe’s. Does anyone know?

  • @selfMA
    51 year ago

    ah yes, this is from the amnesia arc of the award-winning telenovela Roko the Basilisk

    imagine hanging out with a friend after they suffer a traumatic brain injury and one of the few things they remember with clarity is that they must dunk on the cult bullshit you believe in at every opportunity