Trump is a draft dodger that thinks fallen soldiers are “losers” and “suckers.”
He does not give a single shit about the military. If he actually wanted some of that food he’d have stolen a tray right out of a soldier’s hand and bragged about it next weekend at Mar-a-Lago.
They missed the best part when he was calling the fallen soldiers losers. Trump also said he didnt know if the allied forces were the good guys during ww2.
I thought he said there were very bad people on both sides.
I can’t wait to piss on this guys grave. I will live stream that shit.
There will be a line.
I’ll be serving asparagus
There will be a line.
live stream
I see what you did there
Jokes on you: He’s into that shit
I sure as hell didn’t believe this act was anything but a photo op. Isn’t this the guy who said he thought wonded veterans were unsightly and an embarrassment?
He shall said that anytime who dies in war is a sucker.
He also said he “Likes people who weren’t captured” about war hero John McCain.
Reminder when he served McDonald’s to football players?
Cold McDonald’s. To college players.
Cold McDonald’s hamberders
Yup and the reason was that all non-essential workers were furloughed because of the covid pandemic.
Nothing quite says Murica like your McDonalds being your “essential workers”.
The first time he served McDonalds at the White House was because Trump caused the longest government shutdown in US history after Congress refused to give him $5 billion for his stupid wall. That was well before the pandemic.
Fuck this guy but what is with this article. Does rolling stone really think that their readership is so dumb they’d believe this was anything other than an obvious attempt at humor?
Him serving food to soldiers like he supports them after continually badmouthing them in private is my issue with this situation, not his stupid joke.
Yes, and according to some of these comments, they were right.
At his advanced age, and in his poor health, he really shouldn’t be doing anything strenuous like that, nor anything stressful like campaigning for office. Maybe that’s why he skipped the debates; his heart couldn’t handle them.
deleted by creator
He is leading by a large margin, the debates at best won’t do anything at worst would cause him to lose the lead and help one of the worse performing candidates.
A decent candidate would still take part in debates, because it helps Americans to make a more informed decision, but Trump isn’t decent.
Actually going to the debates will show to everyone how much his mental acuity has declined, and take some of the wind out of his “Biden is senile” comments.
Not for those still deranged enough to support him.
Bold of you to assume he has a heart.
Jesus fucking christ is that actually what he looks like when he’s grinning? I’ve never seen any pictures of him like that, and I never want to see one again. How horrifying.
I wouldn’t eat anything this fuckwad touched.
Why the holy fuck did a fake McAfee scan just pop up when I clicked…checks notes…ROLLING FUCKING STONE?
Apparently that’s happening on the Associated Press website as well. Websites relying on ad dollars will be in trouble when having a strong blocker has become basic security. Can’t even check the news without your browser getting hijacked with scams
You mean you still read popular news sites with JavaScript enabled?
Better be careful, he could set this place on fire…