I reject the premise that AC/DC isn’t current music!
Have AC/DC released a new version of their one song recently?
“We’ve been accused of making the same album over and over 12 times,” guitarist Angus Young once said. “The truth is, we’ve made the same album over and over 15 times.”
It’s important to keep the record straight.
I’m pretty sure that’s all they do now… Lol
To paraphrase Angus Young: “I’m tired of people saying that we put out 11 albums that are exactly the same. We’ve put out 12 albums that are exactly the same.”
Although I think that was a while. I think they’ve released a few more versions of their first album since then.
My favorite is the one where they sing about how much they love rock n roll, and let us know that they are currently playing rock n roll.
Some music doesn’t have to be deep to be good. I never got the impression people in the pit at a AC/DC concert were analyzing the lyrics.
Oh, I love AC/DC and completely agree. The lyrics are an afterthought.
I’m sorry, but you’re just wrong here:
She had the face of an angel Smiling with sin A body of Venus with arms
That…that is poetry.
this but unironically
AC/DC certainly isn’t current music in the 24th century 😉
Nah, just Electric Avenue, for sommat Eddy
I can never get over the fact that in Australia it’s pronounced Aka daka.
Considering the group started in Aus, Aka daka is the correct pronunciation…
There’s no A in current though Wtf? Wouldn’t you at least do Acu Dacu?
The band or the type of current? Or both? Oo
I’ve heard they listen to Gary Numan because here in their car the friends are electric.
Electric six