What are all those little tubes (bottles?) on his robe?
They are tubes of measured gunpowder for muzzle loaders.
Edit: the tubes themselves are called gazyrs
Thank you.
Looks like they were used to hold bullets and premeasured powder. But they kind of just became a style.
Thanks for the link
Love the third picture down, with the lot cigarette waving around it Hopefully just a trend by then.
The quality you can get with film never ceases to amaze me. I think the Oppenheimer movie poster was shot on film then scanned digitally, and the final image is like 11k pixels wide. There was also a 1980’s music clip I saw the other day on YouTube that was labelled as remastered in 4k or something, and it looked great for a remaster. Turns out it was simply re-scanned with modern tools and since the original film was so crisp it was all that needed to be done. No AI enhancement bullshit and all that.
The band of brothers remaster was also rescanned film, it looks fantastic
Oh crap TIL gotta rewatch.
The ones that really grab my sight are not film but glass plates, the clarity of images that are 120 years old is unbelievable.
Rescanning with modern tools is the exact definition of a remaster - Going back to the original ‘master’ copy and using modern techniques to produce a newer, better version :-)
True, I am more used to remastering in gaming when it usually means removing the piss color filter and removing the fps cap
Fortunately, some remasters even in gaming are the same: Going back to the source, maybe fixing some bugs, and then using the highest quality assets that were available at the time but had to be scaled down to make the game make sense for the hardware of the time. Unfortunately those are few and far between.
This photo sent me down a rabbit hole. I ended up learning about the conquest of the Cacusus and the genocide that occurred during it.
Link for the lazy?
I got banned from reddit by linking that turkish genocide… I admit it was in a Turkish sub… And I mentioned that turks in Europe get more kids as Europeans (which according to reddit is similar to genocide)
A man (27) and his wife (26), mother of 10
He looks like he’s about 12, she looks like she’s on the verge of 105. Interesting photo
Looks like a mother and son
@PugJesus@lemmy.world do you have the source for this image? I’d love to find out more.
This version has been noticeably digitally altered, someone has used a clone or heal tool in the corners:
I assume the original photo or film must have holes or marks on it, they would be interesting to see.
I also have an (unconfirmed) suspicion that this image may have been a black and white photo that has been digitally colourised. It can’t have been fully AI colourised as the flowers on the lady’s dress are too perfectly coloured (even where they are hidden in folds or shadow). Alas the chroma of the flowers is shaped in perfect circles of pink, even overlapping black areas of the dress (where it’s otherwise coloured slightly blue), making me suspect a round brush tool in an image editor:
I can’t be 100% certain, there might be some other explanation for this chroma patterning. It’s not JPEG (that quantises in square blocks, not circles). Might be some weird optical effects or multiple layers of JPEG on top of each other causing gaussian filtering (if you apply box filters repetitively at different offsets then you eventually approximate a gaussian). Not to mention that the version I downloaded is a .webp (and I have no experience with that format), I suspect Lemmy might have converted it upon upload.
Thankyou muchly :) Looking now. They have unaltered originals too!
There are 3 separate glass slides for the different colour channels. Ooh. (is it healthy to get excited about this?)
EDIT: This collage of the 3 coloured slides is itself an edited version, but it shows answers to my questions:
They edited the left side with a clone tool to hide the fact some of the coloured slides/layers are a bit faded at the edges. This also explains why the left of the image is yellowish and the bottom reddish. Perhaps those slides were like that their entire life, uneven due to manufacture or developing issues?
Across the entire image are tiny coloured blips and scratches. Most of them were edited out.
The rounded shape of the chroma on the flowers isn’t as evident in this version, but it still looks blurry. It’s plausible that the super-round shape in OP’s version of the image is an artefact from multiple lossy image encodings POSSIBLY combined with the red channel (glass slide) having worse resolution than the other colours in these areas (?).
This is the kind of quality content we need more of!
The whole of the caucaus is so interesting. Just all those cultures jam packed into one spot. Only other place I know of like it is PNG.
JPEG is close
The Balkans are similarly diverse (despite efforts to murder everyone different since the age of the habsburgs).
Justin Timberlake confirmed time traveler
The body language between them both, tho.
Why does that man look a lot like young Atatürk. So uncanny.
He’s about to slay the cameraman.
Anyways great work.
Kickass album cover.
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