Browser save-as-type to the rescue.
Firefox extension:
Chrome too, but find it yourself if you are still using that.
deleted by creator
thanks, i’ll try this later!
Webp is actually a decent format, it’s just that a certain desktop OS used by roughly 70% of people chooses to not support it
decent format
poorly supported
Hmm. I know what you mean but wide support is like 90% of the usefulness for a general image format.
its kinda like linux, its great and everybody loves it
but only 2% of people use it
as lemmy shows those 2% realllllly like it.
Don’t I know it, as a decade+ Linux user. Technically best thing doesn’t always win the popularity contest. For a general use operating system lack of software (and game) support is a similar issue as lack of support for image format and it’s really harming Linux too.
Steamdeck has really pushed devs to make their games linux compatible. Native would be nice. But this is great. I haven’t booted into windows for games for most of the year.
Valve has been a real blessing for Linux. I haven’t had a dual boot system in many years but some games just doesn’t work or needs fiddling. And while I’m fine with that, I know most aren’t. And that’s fine too. Maybe someday.
Native would be nice, but devs not having the need to maintain an extra version is why there’s been so much progress in the first place.
Gaming on Linux is easy now, as long as it’s a Steam game.
It’s piss easy, as long as it it is one of those games and not one of those
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
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many android applications including Facebook messenger don’t support it either
*It isn’t as decent when you look at it’s raw facts but for the web it’s a step into future.
*Now behold of avif!
! please can we just get jxl for web finally…? !<
at its* raw facts
Tl;Dr: PNG but better.
It losslessly compressed ~150GB of my PNGs to ~75GB, so I’d say it’s definitely better space-wise.
It’s absolutely not loseless at any kind of quality past web content
The WebP format supports fully lossless compression in addition to lossy compression. I used the lossless mode for my images.
Might want to check your math.
What do you mean? That’s the total file size of the images before and after I converted them to webp.
How is that possible when google says it is 26% smaller?
Depending on the content of the image, the compression ratio can vary a lot. The 26% figure is probably for “normal” photos. My images are mostly a few shades of black with a few white pixels (using a camera as a radiation detector) and I guess WebP is way better at compressing that than PNG.
using a camera as a radiation detector
So… detected any yet?
Thumbs up.
using a camera as a radiation detector
I need to hear more
What? Why? I see one number, I see another number, I report both numbers and because it’s not what you’re expecting, then “it must be my math skills”?
How does that make sense in any context?
Who are you? I didn’t tell you anything.
I’m Batman.
(Ok there might be a lossy mode but that is barely better than jpg via mozjpeg)
Still no.
Technically yes by 26%.
Smaller is not better.
26% smaller at the exact same quality is better.
Not if people can’t view or save them. PNG and JPEG are superior.
That’s what she said!! Hahaha amirite guys
Size isn’t everything.
That’s what my ex used to tell me until she got cancer and passed away.
except its useless as an image
Hang all web devs
Web devs will literally look at the standards, decide to do something wrong, then blame everyone else for not agreeing with them.
I really like WEBP.
It supports transparency, animations, and compression, and seems to look really good even with very strong compression. It’s a shame that, despite it coming out 13 years ago, it’s still barely supported by so much software.
Sounds to me like people need to stop supporting software that doesn’t take the time to update. WEBP is great, and I haven’t run into a single program that doesn’t support it, personally.
Adobe stack doesn’t support it natively. That’s a pretty big one.
Wasn’t that solved back in May?
Okay, perhaps. It’s been a little while since I’ve tried it. While unrelated, it took Adobe 3-ish years to implement support. That’s hardly acceptable, and isn’t really defensible.
Totally agree. I switched to GIMP a long time ago.
I own a commercial printing company, gimp isn’t really an option for us. Neither is inkscape.
Yea, when I was in advertising it was the same way. Sucks the market won’t shift to open options in art and in offices.
ffmpeg -i file.webp file.png
It works?!
Pretty sure
is just black magic at this point.
But can it convert animated webp’s back into the gifs they’re based off of anyway? That’s what makes me really hate the webp standard. If I save an animated image as webp no video converter will touch it that I’ve found. I just want my gifs and mp4s back :(
You can convert it to frames with imagemagick, then use ffmpeg to turn that into a gif:
magick animated.webp frames.png
ffmpeg -i frames-%d.png animated.gif
EDIT, or with a single imagemagick command:
convert -format gif file.webp file.gif
Weird that it can’t get the format from that .gif extension
Yeah, I was looking into that. They use the webp muxer for generating files, but not for decoding. I’m not sure exactly why. That seems to be the reason ffmpeg can generate animated webp, but not read it.
ffmpeg -i file.webp file.mp4
probably works, ffmpeg is mainly a video program anywayNot yet supported, unfortunately:
What does priority wish mean?
99% of the images I save are used as a desktop background at work for a day or two.
.webp doesn’t work as a windows desktop background…
I end up just screenshoting and cropping.
.webp is great until you need to use anything that wasn’t built with it in mind. Lots of stuff just never bothered adding support.
You can just open it on paint and save as .png
That’s what I’d do on desktop for sure. (or for something particularly high res)
I’m usually saving them from mobile, screen capping and using the crop tool that pops up is the quicker route.
I don’t care to keep the .webp then have to transform it every time I need another format.
ITT: people running win7
It annoys me that Firefox won’t autoplay animated webp, at least ones in Lemmy posts, unless I open a whole new tab just for the fucking .webp
Sounds like html issue tbh
do you have disable auto play video enabled?
Nope, it doesn’t even show the controls if I mouse over, no different options with a right click, as if it was a jpeg image instead of a small video. Also, that’s the case with webm, not webp, but I guess my trouble is still valid? Dunno now
Web pee
There is an easy fix though. Just open the image in Gimp and then export it as a jpeg or PNG.
Spending up to a minute or more opening a huge-ass program to just convert one single image doesn’t seem exactly elegant to me. Maybe it’s easy but it’s also a bit of a pain.
he’s a Linux user doing stupid convoluted things for simple outcomes is kinda their thing
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convert image.webp image.png
in your terminal should do the trick, if you’re on Linuxi don’t have a
command, i usually just use ffmpeg thoughLook for a package called imagemagick and install that. Now enjoy the depths of programmatic image manipulation!
Huh, I thought it was a default on most distros. Definitely came with mine
But yeah, ffmpeg works just fine in that case
deleted by creator
Where’s the problem?
Webp images can be a pain in the ass to work with because many programs don’t support them.
Is this a Windows thing I’m too Linux to understand?
I have had a number of webp issues on Linux. Support is nowhere near as bad as it was several years ago, but I still have a few programs that don’t work with webp.
I would imagine it’s a much bigger mess on windows since so many programs will have their own image processing libraries.
Which programs don’t support webp exactly?
In my case, Illustrator and XD, which I use a lot. One of the best features of XD is the ability to drag and drop images into placeholders but I can’t do that with webp. In Illustrator, importing a webp file crashes the app.
Illustrator supports webp for a couple years now.
Must be on my end then. I tried opening one just now and it still crashes.
If it’s supported, then it doesn’t work. Photoshop also fails to open web the last time I tried it earlier this year.
For a program costing US$22.99/mo crashing and not accepting webp, which is so abundant, is extrem. Especially crashing for such an expensive program is not acceptable.
Also, some sites don’t recognise webp images when I’m trying to upload those. Like, it’s literally made for web, wtf
Last week, I tried to send a picture using QSSTV and it wouldn’t open the webp image I saved from a website, so I had to convert it first.
Up until last year, Libreoffice didn’t support webp and many Linux distros haven’t updated to the version that supports it yet.Even GIMP and ImageMagick didn’t support it for quite a while. Before they supported it, it was almost impossible to do anything with webp.
Open with gimp -> export as -> export as png -> export
You over estimate the amount of effort I’m willing to put into saving memes
Select all file types instead of webp than save as .png
Doesn’t always work
I disabled webp in firefox and still had to get a secondary image converter extension to get around this format, I wish I could opt out forever.
Legitimately amazing compression for gifs, but isn’t supported for shit outside of the browser it comes in, be it editing images or upload to older online galleries. Good luck to anyone who just renames the file format to png/jpeg, now you have no idea what’s actually the correct format when you need it… I used to think that was a good idea, until I faced programs that would not run ‘renamed’ formats whatsoever.
What were you thinking with the whole extension renaming ruse?!
But anyway, I’ve done that too.
I think it’s a matter of time. MP3s were not support by many tools when it first came out.
You know when you were a kid and the was a toy in a clamshell of plastic that was super hard to tear?
It’s a bit like that, but with less chance of slicing your thumb open
Why are people converting .webp to png with a program!? Just rename the file with the .png extension and it’ll work. Try it.