What fucking godless heathen eats rice with ketchup
Americans. They would even eat old car tires with ketchup.
I’ve never heard of anyone eating rice with ketchup before.
Have you ever American though?
A man of culture, i see
A few times. Fantastic marbling but ironically not very good with ketchup.
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I like white rice with cheddar cheese and ketchup. Best to cube your cheese up from a block and put it on last with the ketchup so it doesn’t melt.
You should see how i make tea.
Ketchup rice is a Japanese dish. https://www.chopstickchronicles.com/ketchup-rice/#recipe
That’s fried rice, not white rice steamed or cooked in a rice cooker. I can imagine putting ketchup on a nigiri and immediately getting scolded in Japan.
Fried rice, not normal rice
And who determined steamed rice is “normal” rice.
Lol, we really don’t do this. But it’s fun to fuck with people.
Nah dude. Just a little bit of soy or tonkatsu sauce.
more like people in America sometimes eat it. just like how people everywhere sometimes do everything and stupid nationalism only divides everybody more.
I’ve never seen a fellow citizen that was older than 9 eat rice w/ ketchup.
It’s butter, salt & black pepper in the southern USA, at least.
Only all-season radials.
We got standards, you know.
Haha I don’t know many American adults who eat ketchup on more than a few foods. Maybe burgers, maybe hot dogs, probably french fries. Most of us hate how it smells too.
Hell, burgers are the only thing I’d consider it for, and even then I’ll look for something else first more often than not
Don’t knock it till you try it.
That’s the joke
Me sometimes when I have no energy for anything else :| been doing it since I was a kid
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As a kid I used to eat ketchup on baked potatoes. Probably not bad, but it still grosses me out to think about it.
Ranch dressing was another good one for baked potatoes. I’m not interested in that now either, but ranch feels much more respectable than ketchup.
As an Asian this whole thread feels so weird and I can’t tell if people actually eat rice with ketchup or they are tricking me into trying an abomination
French here. I admit I used to eat rice with ketchup when I was a kid. I’m disgusted with myself thinking about it now.
you WHAT?
I used to eat ketchup sandwiches when I was a kid. Just ketchup between two pieces of bread.
I also liked yogurt and cottage cheese mixed together.
Kids are weird.
You frenchies do some nasty shit sometimes. Very high cuisine but the day to day sometimes is weird (I have some colleagues that told me this)
Japanese comfort food frequently calls for either ketchup or Japanese mayo in/on rice. Omurice being a prime example.
I mean it’s more like childrens’ food so abomination is a bit of an exaggeration but it’s certainly nothing interesting. It’s rice with ketchup.
Why can’t y’all just make normal children’s food like chicken curry with rice? Stop putting so much sugar and corn syrup in everything.
If this continues we’ll have to retaliate: see how certain East Asian countries make pizzas and burgers and see how you like it! (PS: it was flatbread with corn and ham as the only toppings)
Oh and the original answer: since so many people have already answered soy sauce, I’d say chicken soup or pork broth.
(PS: it was flatbread with corn and ham as the only toppings)
You’re leaving out the mayo though, aren’t you?
I wouldn’t say it’s common, but I also wouldn’t say it’s unheard of…and I would never put it past Americans to try an odd condiment application.
Honestly though, when you look at the ingredients, it’s not too drastically far off from the ingredients of a sauce you might specifically put together as part of a more traditional rice dish: tomatoes, vinegar, onion, garlic, ginger, coriander, cumin… bit heavy on the sugar but a lot of sauces in Asian cooking are even sweeter.
I agree it seems repulsive on the surface to me too, but now that I’ve been thinking about it…I kinda wanna try it.
Soy sauce
This is the only way tbh
Fish sauce and butter is nice too.
But like, with a bit of mayonnaise, right?
If you must
Yo soy sauce
- sesame oil
Alright, now we’re moving towards a stir fry, ngl kinda want a stir fry rn now.
Uhh… Soy… Soy sauce.
And furikake!
Oh hell yes
If you’re asking who’d put rice with ketchup - my sister used to put ketchup on her popcorn. Microwave popcorn. Pre-buttered.
I’m sorry you had to see such depravity, and so close to home
That was a difficult up vote because my thumb was just so disgusted with your sister
your sister might be swedish
Butter, parmesan, salt and pepper
Remove butter, put EVO, remove parmisan, put Parmigiano Reggiano, you have a masterpiece
I tried searching for EVO but just came up with a pan/bowl type. Could you tell an uninformed fool (me) what is EVO?
Extra virgin olive oil. I’m Italian :D
I get 5L per year from my uncle who produce it in Tuscany
Oh man, I should have known that. Thanks for the assist!
Agree, I dont have reliable access to EVOO or good parmigiana. If I had my way all the time it would be thyme and lavender and oregano infused olive oil with cucumbers as well as a three way mixed Parmigiana, Asiago, Oaxaca or dried mozarella.
Cheese with rice? Damn
1 billion dollars with a side of 1 trillion dollars, next question
But the only thing you can do is eat it. Nothing else.
Not seeing the problem here.
Is the money fresh?
Soy sauce.
Butter. Nuff said.
The ol’ end of the month fried rice.
is lazy person risotto ._.
Not even approaching risotto
was joke [.__.]
Not even approaching joke
Was {._.}
Not even
Excellent! I thought I was the only deranged person who loves freshly cooked rice with some mayo. I’ve noticed a lot of people really look down on mayonnaise for some reason, when all it is, is some egg and oil, salt optional but great IMO, and some lemon juice to complement, also optional. I feel that just goes really well with a starch like rice!
I don’t want to entirely pull the rug out from under you, but you may still be the only person who loves that. I was making what I intended to be an obviously disgusting joke. I’m sorry. :P
Well I was disgusted if it makes you feel any better.
You’re forgiven. I know I’m not the only person though, I’m Chilean and we love putting mayo on everything over there. I’m just deranged to the rest of the world lol.
Who the hell puts ketchup in rice??
Stuffed bell peppers you can probably substitute the tomato sauce with ketchup, idk if it would be any good, but you could I guess.
Kids. I remember doing this when I was 8-10.
Ketchup would be one of my last choices anyway. Maybe with certain mains like fried chicken or chicken fried steak (ok, some people say that’s weird but it’s what we did at Furr’s Cafeteria).
Right now, probably Marie Sharp’s Beware Habanero sauce. Second choice, chimichurri.
Sir, this is a wendys.
Milk, cinnamon, sugar, raisins. Heat in microwave.
Cooking until congee and I agree