And that they will federate with them ? (Can’t seem to find it anymore at least)
I wonder how many people we’re gonna lose over this, because I for one, spent time blocking what I wanted to, to curate my feed, and it took time. I already migrated once, I’m not gonna do it again because some people can’t realize how toxic it’s going to be when they federate with us.
I see a lot of people saying they’ll just switch instances but haven’t seen anyone say they’ll just jump ship, am I alone ? Or maybe I’m missing an option that would allow me to transfer all my settings from one instance to another ?
I see a lot of people saying they’ll just switch instances but haven’t seen anyone say they’ll just jump ship, am I alone ?
I have switched instances a lot. I don’t like the idea of other people curating my feed.
I made my own instance for this reason.
I have considered it.
Is it expensive? Considering doing it myself
I had a spare computer that I installed Linux on a while back, but wasn’t using it for much at the time. If set up like that, all you would pay for is the electricity, which is very low if you’re only running Lemmy, probably only a couple of US dollars a month. You could probably run it on a raspberry pi, tbh.
Personally, I have solar panels that power my whole house. So it’s free for me.
Personally, I have solar panels that power my whole house. So it’s free for me.
The dream. I want to do this too when I buy my house, but living in northern Scandinavia makes it hard to run off solar during the winter.
I live relatively close to the equator (Texas), so it’s actually better for me in the winter because I don’t need to run the AC.
Texas?! Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy, and you don’t look much like a steer to me, so that kinda narrows it down!
Because the panels absorb/reflect the light? Or how does that work?
Not sure what you mean, but I just meant that because I use about a quarter of the electricity in the winter while still generating about 90% as much electricity, I end up selling a ton of electricity back to the grid, building up credits that I can use for cloudy days in the spring.
because it’s not as hot in the winter
Thanks, I appreciate the insight 😊 you’re setup sounds very well thought out and I respect it 🍻
This is actually detrimental to the network unless you’re hosting a lot of other users. If it’s just you then you’re adding the federation load of an entire server just for your own personal use. Now all your subscriptions are a separate server pull on all the instances you subscribe to. Instead of using an existing instance that is already pulling
I did for awhile. For me, it wasnt worth the effort. Hot tip: go ahead and switch to blob storage for pictrs or your hosting fees are gonna get expensive quick.
What instance are you on? Voyager doesn’t even show me!
There are probably better instances out there, but I’m on at the moment.
Same! Maybe that’s why it doesn’t show me. It’s awesome.
In Voyager, you can toggle showing users’ instances in Settings > Appearance.
Thank you muchly, but I actually have that on! It still doesn’t show their instance, maybe because they’re on the same one as me.
I don’t like the idea of other people curating my feed.
I’ll leave fediverse, so many instances in the fediverse are still federated with Threads
so many instances in the fediverse are still federated with Threads
Threads doesn’t support federation currently, so nobody is federated with Threads at all.
I don’t think the world admins really care if users transfer away. That’s just federation in action. Good stuff.
World admin playing 4d chess by showing the benefit of account migration in activitypub.
My original concern about “losing people” wasn’t about transferring away, but rather about leaving the fediverse entirely over the concern of having to remake an account and having to curate up to my standards all over again. Which is now a moot point since I’ve been given solutions to migrate easily.
Oh gotcha. I’d suppose that if a person is that concerned with Threads, they’re probably invested in the idea of Lemmy such that transferring to another instance is not out of the question. Someone who’s not interested in putting in the effort to transfer probably doesn’t feel strongly either way about Threads. That’s just an assumption on my part, of course.
YMMV ofc but I’d tend to agree that it makes sense yes.
This whole thread, just… wow.Edit: wrong place to reply
Where you gonna go? Back to reddit?
Outside, maybe? lol
Weird, my comment started at -1 karma. Is this thread being botted or something?Oh I accidentally downvoted myself…Let’s get it back down there.
Lol. I mentioned it not because I care about the karma, but because I’ve never seen any of my comments instantly start at -1 and it was mildly interesting.
I mean, I do care a little about my imaginary internet points, but that’s not why I mentioned it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Since it’s a moot point now, it’s not a consideration anymore but ew no, that wasn’t even an option in the first place.
deleted by creator
OP really would appretiate a tool like that! Can you tell us what the tool is.
The new 0.19.x version allows you to export and import your basic settings like subscriptions and blocks. I personally haven’t tested it though.
Otherwise, here on lemmy, activity from threads is unlikely to reach us or have too much of an impact as following lemmy communities won’t work well on their end. This presumes that they’ll be focused on implementing microblogging and mastodon compatibility, which are very fair presumptions IMO. Not saying that you shouldn’t care … just that there’s probably much more time than you think. On top of that, Threads’s implementation of federation seems to be going slowly.
Thanks for the infos
I will see how it actually turns out, and yeah I didn’t expect an instant “everything turn to crap” moment, but good to know that there’s an option to easily migrate if need be. Although just the idea of them having any kind of access via federation really bothers me and I somewhat doubt they won’t try something to “absorb” as much people as they can into Threads, that something having many possibilities in how it could manifest.
I’m with you.
If you haven’t seen it, here’s a great write up about federating with threads that does a really good job of outlining why there’s more to this than “but I have friends and relatives on instagram” and “isn’t it good for the fediverse to be popular?” arguments:
My little tldr + hot take on the article here:
It’s by on mastodon if you’re on there. I find myself enjoying and agreeing with just about everything they say about the fediverse and social media.
Thanks for the shares, very interesting, it’s much worse than I thought it turns out ahah
I’m not on masto, lemmy is enough to browse for me on a daily basis but I might check out a few things there
Now, even though it might not change much to the future of the fediverse with meta meddling, I’m definitely migrating !
I’m definitely migrating
Where to?
Meta’s lead for Threads, Adam Mosseri, was head of Facebook’s News Feed and Interfaces departments during that long, warning-heavy lead-up to the genocide of the Rohingya in Myanmar. After the worst of the violence was over, Mosseri noted on a podcast that he’d lost some sleep over it.
Yep. I didn’t know that part.
And somewhat symbolically, his account is the first you can follow from mastodon. You can file him and get his posts in your feed right now. I’m on an instance that hasn’t blocked threads and I’m following him now. Creepy TBH.
It’s possible in the latest version of Lemmy. World hasn’t upgraded yet. They are also already federated with threads.
And as OP seems to be predicting, the world has clearly ended. 😅
(not that I don’t have plenty issues with Meta, but the way lemmings talk about it only serves to further corporate agenda by essentially making all criticism seem idiotic by association)
To each their own reasons to care or not about being federated with Threads, it’s not what this post is about.
My line about how toxic it’s gonna be is my opinion and admittedly might not have its place here in the context, but I’m only a human making a post, wondering if I’m alone or if I’m missing an option for an easy migration.
I don’t know of an “easy” option for migration.
They are also already federated with threads.
That’s impossible because right now Threads doesn’t even support federation.
It does, just only with a few users. Been under rock?
It does, just only with a few users. Been under rock?
Private pre-alpha tests with a non-public self-hosted (presumably Mastodon) instance doesn’t count. Threads doesn’t federate with the fediverse right now.
So when does it count? It’s federated when you look at’s federated instances.
So when does it count?
When it actually works, duh. doesn’t display Zuckerberg’s Threads profile.
Woopty doo you can’t see a profile yet they’re raking in every thread. Yeah it’s not working properly or correctly. It’s working how they intend it to right now which is one sided.
Woopty doo you can’t see a profile yet they’re raking in every thread.
Just like Google, Microsoft Bing, and many others do with all web content as well. Good luck deferating from web crawlers.
Threads federation really is a tempest in a teacup. People getting worked up over nothing.
Meta’s failed twitter clone probably won’t even federate with the threadiverse. Just look at this post. I see lemmy, I see kbin, I see lotide, I don’t see mastodon, pleroma, friendica, and so on and so forth at all. I don’t see minds (did you know that minds federates?), just a few programs of the same type.
Im just gonna wait and see what happens. Whatever ends up happening, Ill respect and stamd behind the desision of my home instance unless they start to sour like world did.
I for one, spent time blocking what I wanted to, to curate my feed, and it took time.
If that is your general approach, why are you suddenly so eager to hand over that responsibility to the instance owner? Why are you pushing for that instances should curate the feeds of all their users, rather than the users themselves?
Fallacy much ?
Because I don’t want to be federated with threads doesn’t mean I want to hand over the curating to the instance owner, there’s such a thing as nuances.
I also formulated a wish for world to defederate, but my solution when they didn’t is to leave, you don’t see me brigading for them to absolutely do it, so please do not lend to me what I didn’t say.
Then you can block threads yourself, as a user. It’s as easy as that. Blocking threads on the entire instance makes it so admins are curating content for users. You don’t get a choice when an instance defederates, you do when it federates. Defederation is a last resort, not a panic kneejerk reaction.
Calling defederating Threads a “panic kneejerk reaction” is being very ignorant about who they are and what they do.
It is exactly that. Nothing happened yet, and people were calling for defederation already. It is a panic reaction.
So you are very ignorant about who’s behind Threads, how they operate and what they do, roger
And you are very panicked, going off of the “slippery slope” fallacy and basically doomsaying, got it.
I told you already - block them yourself. Nothing changes for you, and people who want an actual userbase to interact with aren’t blocked by it.
Calling very justified wariness about Threads “doomsaying” is naive, at best.
If I let you keep going you’re about to tell me that Facebook and Instagram aren’t that bad, so let’s stop here.
If we are not on Facebook or others its not for nothing. Theses reaction are not panic 🙄.
Politics, convictions, ideology are words too.
These reactions are for nothing. I personally don’t want to be a part of a dead social network with just the extreme kinds of people. This is an opportunity for the fediverse to grow and diversify. All that people are doing is being scared of any change - which is a dumb approach to it. When there is a reason to defederate - then defederate. Don’t do it “because it’s meta”.
Yeah yeah, why are you here and not on reddit, if I read u. Lmao.
End of the discuss for me with you. You can DV now, you reddit user ;-)
And next time, answer instead of going around BC you are “wrong”
Calling defederating Threads a “panic kneejerk reaction” is being very ignorant about who they are and what they do.
What they do is not to federate with anything at all because that feature isn’t even implemented on their end.
Learn how the tool works before.
If you block an instance, u can still interract with the users (with the new features), and they can comment posts on others instances and yours, and you will see them.
You will just don’t see the Thread specific content.
You are the jerk here
Great job insulting me. I can perfectly fine block people from a specific instance and not see their posts or comments at all.
Yeah yeah individually, block the billion from thread. Lmao. Don’t say you are wrong, when you are.
🙄You can block entire instances and their comments won’t appear to you. You don’t need to block “a billion people”. Just the fact that you want to block them says a lot about you - preffering an empty echochamber to an actually working fediverse.
Read again the entire discussion, answer next. What you are saying is wrong. You dont know how work Lemmy v0.19 obvisously
If you block an instance, u can still interract with the users (with the new features), and they can comment posts on others instances and yours, and you will see them.
You will just don’t see the Thread specific content.
Defederation is a last resort, not a panic kneejerk reaction.
Yes that’s how the fediverse works :)
OK troll
This one?
Threads won’t affect Lemmy that much. Threads users will basically have to deliberately interact with Lemmy posts or communities to show up.
Or maybe I’m missing an option that would allow me to transfer all my settings from one instance to another ?
Thanks !
Join us on! Small and chill instance. Most people are nice left leaning FOSS geeks, interactions are mostly super nice. The only thing I dislike is the Chappo Trap House community, they will basically bully anyone who’s not a chappo-bro. I blocked them and voilà ! EDIT: Lol, why am I getting downvoted ?
There’s a lot of negatives surrounding moderating on that instance and I’m sure the community you mentioned doesn’t help.
Mmm I didn’t know that. Seems pretty relax to me, never had an interaction with any of the mods. To me it’s a very small reddit without all the toxicity. Good enough for me. Oh, and no porn, I guess that prevents many users from joining, probably a good thing in the end.
The creators of lemmy own/run it. I’m actually banned in one of the communities on there so just speak from experience there. From what I’ve seen they delete a lot of stuff they don’t agree with in a lot of communities instead of letting the conversation go. Also you say it’s small, but there’s 50,000 users.
Let die Alone and leave them.
They dont care about ideology or others, they are juste sharky and want to make for them a name on the work of others.I see it like it,
Can’t you block as a user?
I’m having trust issues with them. I had an issue with them in their support community where they most likely deleted comments and then wouldn’t own up, and now I’m at another instance. I would have left when they said they wouldn’t defederate threads anyway. Leaving isn’t that hard. If .19 gets figured out, you’re supposed to be able to leave easily as well.
Ive had comment buggieness on comments would only go public hours later. Mabe a client bug, mabe .world oddness
Incidentally, there’s an 8 day old post on the topic that is showing in my instance and I checked the source it wasn’t deleted when I went.
I may be looking in the wrong place, but I found this post looking for that post. I know it exists as of an hour from postimg this.
Glad I left World, I want absolutely nothing to do with Threads.
In my unbiased opinion you chose a great instance
Lemmee has been great!
I also love that our admin sees defederation as the nuclear option which is what it is
I also love that our admin sees defederation as the nuclear option which is what it is
Then it’s the perfect weapon to defend ourselves against Meta.