It’s not about blocking border security; it’s about doing Putin’s bidding by blocking aid to Ukraine.
He’s not “the dumbest person in the Senate,” nor is he a “brainwormed shitbird,” nor is he trying to “REGRESS” for regression’s sake – or at least, none of those things are the important takeaways from this. The important takeaway is the fact that he’s a straight-up fascist traitor working against America’s interests in service of a foreign power.
It’s like the people who call Ted Cruz stupid. They’re absolutely wrong. Those two aren’t stupid, they’re just terrible people (assuming Cruz is a person) and are actively working against the well-being of the vast majority of the US.
Ridiculous. Human Ted Cruz is only one being, and not several.
FRJ is both. Hes dumber than a sack of bricks.
Ron Johnson should be thankful that Tommy Tuberville won his election, because now he’s no longer the dumbest person in the Senate.
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He ran an effective campaign of comparing brown people like Mandela Barnes to danger and fear. On the other side, the Wisconsin democrats underestimated Barnes’ polling and put almost zero effort into a campaign they assumed they wouldn’t win based on those incorrect polling numbers.
Ron Johnson exploited racist fears. The democrats assumed Mandela would lose and ran their shitty campaign as a self fulfilling prophecy.
Terrible campaign and racism.
jerry and his friend mander
Gerrymandering has zero effect on statewide elections.
Probably the classic reason: corruption and fraud.
Racism and like always, a ton of eligible voters didn’t vote.
I’m looking at you chucklefucks in Milwaukee.
the Wisconsin congressman recently said, adding that voters should be the ones deciding on the issue.
They are. They voted you into Congress. Do you not know how the thing you were elected to do works?
Wisconsin resident here who did not choose this guy. FRJ.
It’s also right there in the name of his political party.
Republicans also brag about not feeding hungry school children.
They don’t gaf
Then complain why aren’t people having kids. Or worst why did you have kids if you can’t feed them.
Don’t forget that Chris Christie personally sabotaged a much needed and much desired New York/New Jersey tunnel project because it was being funded by TARP. His move didn’t save tax payers a penny, because the money was spent on a different program. It screwed his own people, but it made him a darling of the GOP for a few weeks.
“REGRESS! REGRESS! REGRESS!” The locals have heard him shout about shortly after.
The Republicans will either get what they ask for in a border package and lose the ability to bitch, or can try to obstruct until November and use it as leverage. This won’t be over soon