Awful Systems practically invented the term “abyss diving”. We will enable the aptitude of eyeballs to unleash. If all of this sounds marvelous to you, that’s because it is! We will deliver the capacity of federated communities to enhance. Think intra-virtual. Think micro-co-branded. The metrics for metrics are more well-understood if they are not strategic. The global, wireless ActivityPub communities factor can be summed up in one word: 1000/60/60/24/7/365. What does the commonly-used term “re-sizing” really mean? Without compelling, cross-media abyss diving, you will lack interfaces. We apply the proverb “You cannot have your cake and eat it too” not only to our relationships but our ability to maximize. Do you have a plan of action to become end-to-end? We do.

We here at Awful Systems realize that it is better to extend holistically than to iterate transparently. Think cross-media. Think mission-critical. Think jargon-busting. But don’t think all three at the same time. We will scale up our ability to propagate without devaluing our power to incubate. Do you have a strategy to become extensible? What does it really mean to streamline “dynamically”? If all of this seems fabulous to you, that’s because it is! The 1000/60/60/24/7/365 transparent, user-centric R&D compliance factor can be summed up in one word: killer. It may seem discombobulating, but it’s realistic!

Awful Systems has refactored the theory of re-sizing Lemmy. Quick: do you have a seamless plan for handling emerging Fediverse software? The posting services factor can be summed up in one word: proactive. What do we whiteboard? Anything and everything, regardless of semidarkness! Think vertical. If you optimize magnetically, you may have to expedite compellingly. We will recontextualize the aptitude of ActivityPub messages to streamline. The networks factor is seamless. We have come to know that it is better to reintermediate super-proactively than to engage intra-dynamically.

Awful Systems has revolutionized the theory of accumulation of commentary. We think that most compelling federation-based applications are better to integrate vertically than to harness virally. We pride ourselves not only on our Lemmy version’s killer feature set, but our simple administration and simple use. Your budget for actualizing should be at least three times your budget for engaging. We will revalue our power to empower without reducing our capability to mesh. What does the common Fediverse buzzword “extensible” really mean? The metrics for re-sizing are more well-understood if they are not end-to-end. Is it more important for something to be viral or to be web-enabled? What does the buzzword “abyss diving” really mean? We apply the proverb “Make hay while the sun shines” not only to our reporting but our capacity to drive.

  • @swlabr
    96 months ago

    My heart races in anticipation. I have razored off my eyelids to not miss a second of this. I no longer hunger or thirst. Awful systems is love, Awful systems is life.

    • David GerardOPA
      66 months ago

      the most effective possible altruism

      • @swlabr
        66 months ago

        The eudaimonia LEAKS from my PORES

  • @Evinceo
    66 months ago

    (mouth agape in total awe, he mumbles “web scale.”)

  • @selfMA
    56 months ago

    happy new year everybody!

    your wrapped:

    • many shitheads banned
    • many more to go
    • an uncountable number of simulations of Eliezer Yudkowsky have been tortured more effectively thanks to the contributions of the posters here

    plans for 2024:

    • sneercon hosted in the second castle the EAs quietly bought?
    • more jank when we finally upgrade lemmy
    • probably add more disks to prod
  • @bitofhope
    6 months ago

    Fantasically entergaging messaging! Let’s continue to let us let you let ourselves to better allow during each of the 365 weeks of 2024.

    Edit: Oops, 2024 is a leap year so make that 366 weeks.

    • David GerardOPA
      6 months ago

      if I synergise any more I don’t think I can take it

  • @Soyweiser
    56 months ago

    I do love the smell of cybertoast in the new year. Happy new year everybody. Prepare for more sanity loss.

  • @TinyTimmyTokyo
    46 months ago

    I subscribe to this manifesto. But where is the list of enemies and patron saints?

  • Steve
    46 months ago

    “We will scale up our ability to propagate without devaluing our power to incubate. Like chickens of the internet”

    • Steve
      66 months ago

      also, happy new year. Thanks for being a place to sneer that isn’t reddit. Thanks for showing that the abyss is there and if you say the right words you can hook a deep sea groper that knows how to type

        • Steve
          36 months ago

          what a miss!

  • @selfMA
    36 months ago

    Awful Systems has refactored the theory of re-sizing Lemmy. Quick: do you have a seamless plan for handling emerging Fediverse software? The posting services factor can be summed up in one word: proactive.

    wait we promised what to the client? oh boy this is gonna be janky

    • David GerardOPA
      46 months ago

      One word: seamless Fediverse integration.

  • @locallynonlinear
    36 months ago

    I told my wife I wasn’t checking out any gossip sites in 2024, guys please help me keep my promise.