You’re right, I probably should go rewatch that episode where the crew triggers a Cardasians trap, and the station captures them, and Dukat comes to gloat.
Attention Bajoran workers!
It has my favorite scene in it when Garak accuses Dukat of having a crush on Kira and the shocked “Garak” response from him was so comical.
The best Trek ever!
It is really great! I just finished a watch of it a few weeks ago and I just want to watch it again.
The characters are really great.
Sisko is such a badass! Jake and Nod are way more interesting children than Wesley and Alexander ever were.
And it even has baseball
Death to the opposition!
I was impressed they managed to get baseball caps to fit on those fat alien heads.
Of course it was, it was based on Babylon 5
Shots fired
I should watch all of Babylon 5 again…
The door knob changes position 😔
I’ve just started a Voyager run through with my kids. Dare I say S1 of Voyager is a much better introduction to “modern” Trek than the fairly uneven S1 TNG? I think Janeway is underrated as a Star Fleet captain.
She is! Always wondered why she got so much hate in the community. Not as much as Archer did though. Which is also great IMHO.
It brings me no joy to say this, but TNG isn’t “modern Trek” anymore.
Why not? It’s only 10 years old or so?
It aired from 87 to 94… So it’s 30-40 years old…
Burn the witch
I believe that was a version of the old “90s were only 10 or so years ago” joke.
Sad but true.
The first two seasons of TNG are balls.
They’re not quite as terrible as their reputation. Yeah, they’ve definitely got some of the worst episodes of Trek ever, but there are good ones in there, too.
Oddly, the worst two episodes of Trek are in s7, just before the finale, which is one of the best episodes ever.
I agree but still good Trek compared to Discovery and Picard.
I’m rewatching TNG and season 1 was pretty… Off. Most of the characters seemed to be cheap knockoffs of their established personas. The most distinctive for me was Brent Spiner (Data), where, I can’t put my finger on it, but he just seemed off the the data that I know and love.
I chalk it up to him coming off of being a comedic bit actor and he was still finding himself for the more dramatic role of data. He hadn’t really nailed down the robotic methodology of his actions and speech that really makes data stand out. His responses were often quick, to the point of speaking over others, and his actions were fairly fluid and organic, which isn’t Data at all.
It really didn’t take long for him to work his way into the role (and into our hearts), I’m not criticising Brent by any stretch. He was and I’m sure still is, an incredible actor… Judging by his fairly recent role reprising Data on Picard, he really hasn’t lost his touch.
There’s plenty of other things about season one that are odd, but I found Data to be the most notable. Still, worf was a lot more brooding, Picard seemed almost more timid, Riker didn’t have a beard… The only person from season one who I can point to with certainty and say that they didn’t seem off from season 1 (compared to how I know the character), was Dr. Crusher. She was hitting it out of the park from day 1.
No matter the oddity, almost all of it was simply gone by the end of season one. I’m partway into season two now and I wouldn’t be able to differentiate the characters on screen from any other season of the show, or from their movies.
I reckon Voyager was the best of the star treks
So you’ve never seen DS9, then.
Or ToS, or TNG.
Oh man. It’s the only one where they actually don’t boldly go anywhere. I’ve always had trouble with that and probably actually need therapy because of it. It took me a long time to even accept it as real star trek.
I love character-driven narratives, so DS9 is easily the best Star Trek for me that I’ve seen. I think the only series that I haven’t seen is Lower Decks.
I would claim that Voyager is objectively worse than DS9, though. A big part of it is how many terrible episodes come from each series. With DS9, there are only a few episodes sprinkled here and there that are terrible. With Voyager, it had to be at least 1 out of every 3 episodes that were terrible.
Of course, these two series have completely different standards. Both standards are about whether they deliver an episode that is fulfilling and makes sense.
DS9 is completely serial. A good show has character development and progresses the main plot due to some event or other intrigue that happens. If you don’t like Star Treks where they “boldly stay home”, then all of the Vic Fontaine episodes would be terrible, but Vic was like this perfect tool to try to round out all of the character development at the series end.
On the other hand, a good Voyager episode is a sort of alien of the week. That’s what would make sense, because they were traveling in a straight line home. Yet they nonsensically had all sorts of recurring characters that they came across. Recurring races is fine. In fact, you’d almost expect to have like one or two major races that are the villains per season… but recurring characters? Really??
Voyager could have been the perfection of Roddenberry’s ideal Star Trek. Almost purely episodic. Heroic cast solving problems every episode. They even have the best excuse for taking the ship into the most stupidly dangerous situations. They were desperate for supplies to get home. I don’t know that any Star Trek had such an easy set up. How did they have so many bad episodes??
Allamaraine, count to four
I like that episode… Really.
Allamaraine if you can see, allamaraine you’ll come with me.
Four times watching the entire series?
Allamaraine, count four more!
Having grown up on DS9 and Voyager, and just finished all the good new trek, I went back and stared TNG for the first time.
The rest of this post intentionally left blank.
I’m the opposite right now. Grew up on TNG, just finished SNW and Lower Decks and now I’m watching DS9 for the first time.
I grew up on tng. Thought nothing could top picard and his crew… You are in for a treat!
I and my wife have both watched all of Star Trek individually before we met. When new trek appeared we rewatched everything before watching all of new trek, good and less good, together
You treasure that girl and never let her go, you hear me?
TNG’s first season can just be skipped IMO. The first time I watched TNG on streaming, I was… surprised… at the quality of season 1.
I’m finally watching star trek with my girlfriend and getting her into it. Been watching along with her on TNG. So far we are about done with season 1, but I am big excited to re-watch DS9 se5, especially with her watching it for the first time by my side.
Gonna have to brave the awful ass se1 Sisko haircut though lol.
Went through the same process with my partner… Apparently she prefers Sisko with hair and no beard!
But she also liked S1&2 of TNG a lot…
I’m impressed that you’ve managed to get her to watch s1 of TNG! I’ve been thinking about trying to talk my wife into watching it and was thinking we’d start on season 3.
She has been very persistent about knowing the background for everything. It bothers her to be dropped in the middle of something without the context.
So she wanted to start at the “very beginning”, which in my mind is TNG season 1. The original series is great, but I figured she’d enjoy it more after having already gotten into trek.
She is throughly enjoying the cheesy-ness of it though, which is really good.
But I’m already midway through watching ds9
Well, clearly you’re going to have to start again.
After the DS9 rewatch is before the DS9 rewatch!
Actual picture of my heart.
Anyone know if that DS9 server that was remaking it with AI visuals is still around?
I don’t know. I do know there are 720p and 1080p AI upscales. They can look a little “smooth”, but they’re less distracting than the bad 480p transfers Netflix was showing a few years ago.
Deep space nine… Wow I can watch that again it’s been decades… Am I old now?
That could be me 100%. My heart then usually adds that it’s a shame that there is no remastered version with high resolution T_T
As of New Year’s Pluto.TV moved this steam to DS9.
“… my child.”
district 9?
Now that you mention it, it has been a while for that as well…