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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • This isn’t changing people’s minds about crapitalism. Amerikkkans will keep calling liberals, “the left,” and liberals will keep loving crapitalism. This only shows how right wing Amerikkka is as a country. Liberals would much rather be forced to identify as right wing than as anti-crapitalist. These distinctions only bother the keft as we get conflated with liberals constantly. Nobody else gives a shit.

  • I think everybody is focusing too much on the word betrayal and not enough on the being a syccophant to a would be fascist. If you don’t think thats a problem because, “business,” that makes you also a fascism enabler. Just because they are good at the privacy part, doesn’t mean a company that cow tows to fascism can ever be seen as safe for antifascists. Currently there is a good alternative; tuta. So why contribute to a company like this. There is massive potential to betray users if they are ideologically opposed to things that proton is coming to represent. If there is the option to divert resources away from projects that express fascist sympathies, its probably wise to do so.

  • Not defending democrats at all, but didn’t Nate Silvers polling engine consistently favor democrats polls? I would say Democrats are loosing because they have created an echo-chamber (of which Nate is a part), in which alternatives are not allowed even if those alternatives are; we shouldn’t do a genocide in gaza or hey, actually the most accurate polls have consistently showed Harris losing. If they could actually listen to what their constituents want for once, maybe they could have a majority, but also if Nate Silver could stop inflating their polling they could get a realistic idea of how they are doing with their strategy of telling the proles how they should feel about the perfect, infallible Biden econony and potebtially readjust that strategy or run more popular candidates. 🤷🤷🤷

  • I was gonna say, I got Molly-FOSS from F-droid, but I actually had to go back and check. It checks out though. I did also get obtainium so I can keep a better eye on updates and actually check the changes on git before updating something as important as secure, encrypted coms. Also I figured I should really start checking the signature each update from now on.

  • There are tons of defendants across Amerikkka in similar situations and the fact that the ACLU is constantly defending scumbags in the name of protecting all of our rights is the most asinine liberal bullshit I can think of. How many poor black people are there sitting in rikers on some stop-and-frisk bullshit, while the ACLU is prioritizing the rights of Neo-Nazis? There are plenty of other ways to address warranties searches and ironically this dipshit would probably benefit from any precedent that addresses this issue, but at the very least… and this is an example of the bar being in hell and them trying to lower… but at the least, don’t provide free legal defense council for society’s best arguments against civilization. But if none of that resonates, just don’t defend people that spend a not insignificant amount of time and respurces to attack the existence of things like the ACLU before and after you defend them. Because when they get off, maybe their next attack will annihilate the right to free council for everybody else in the country. Or as Aus Rotten put it; don’t give them freedom because they’re not going to give you yours. Fuck Nazi Sympathy. Of any kind.

  • Bidens state department openly enables and encourages genocide and then they feel slighted by his sub 40% approval (blaming the people for your poll numbers is really not helping the situation for anybody that needs to hear this). I don’t know what is so hard for them to understand. Nobody is happy with the course of action. A great way to reverse these poll numbers would be to stop providing Israel with material support for genocide and to provide Palestinians material support for simply existing, but Biden has made his bed with a base of liberals that is a rapidly shrinking block and without them he has literally no support what-so-ever. The message that these tone def liberals will inevitably not take from all this is that the democratic party needs to change dramatically if they ever want to win a national election again. Honestly this is the message they needed to get in 2016 and failed to pick up on when they went all in on Hillary. They took winning in 2020 with Biden as a mandate from the masses, which they misread incredibly (He won because we all had enough of Trumps shit and promptly learned that hey, actually Bidens shit is worse somehow) and they are now running on the mandate nobody ever gave them. Trump is going to trounce any Democrat they could run in 2024, because the one thing the Democrats don’t get is that the demographics have changed. Liberal boomers are not a viable course to victory and Black and Latino voters are much more conservative then they want to believe and are finding the modern democratic party just as racist as the modern republican party, so why not vote their religious values. The math is not good for a democratic base which makes a plurality of about 37% of likely voters. If the Democrats want to fill in that gap they need to do things to pull in more young voters, who don’t want genocide in Gaza. Denying it is happening is the most tone def way to appeal to a generation of voters who actually know what gaslighting is.