A Republican lied? And the media just ran with it? And the rebuttal and truth won’t get nowhere near the same coverage? I’m shocked I tell you, shocked.
A Republican lied? And the media just ran with it? And the rebuttal and truth won’t get nowhere near the same coverage? I’m shocked I tell you, shocked.
I wouldn’t use a complete macos theme with the logo and everything, but the mac design language does have some pretty nice details that even help usability.
For example, I love the double outline that macos windows have, the normal darker line and another lighter inside. To me, it really separates windows when I am working with several, and they overlap (I use mac at work), in addition to looking nice and giving some depth. That’s just a little detail, but there are many like that one that is easy to see why someone could appreciate them.
Obviously it varies from person to person, there’s also stuff that I don’t like, but I do can see why someone would use a theme like that.
most knowledgeable capitalism apologist
this warrants a new monitor for me, been holding out over a year with my old display, waiting for something and now I know what that was
it was already deleted? i read an article encouraging someone to leak it, since it was legally being declared having no value by its owners or something like that. i was actually hoping it would happen.
kinda odd that the article is supposedly talking about a specific app but it feels like it applies to all mainstream social networks, media sites and even the broader internet
oh don’t forget to click their affiliate links btw and read year another of their ‘the best gifts you can buy for [made up forced holiday that’s coming]’
oh yes. I’m ready
of course because what reason would anyone have to assume anything? we are going into this situation completely without context or background, so we better wait for the FACTS to come out, that will surely be reliable and truthful because they come from a trusted source, the democratically elected government of a world leader.
/s just in case.
godamn lula.
And right he is! Just as often as I see some piece of old media that makes me go ‘ouch, that shouldn’t have been made or wouldn’t have been made today’ I also see some strangely progressive or rather inclusive stuff that makes me go ‘huh, people would be complaining about forced inclusion and wokeness if this was released today’
Didn’t uninstall any of my AdBlock layers, but YouTube didn’t survive.
Even though I actually never saw the famous popup, the whole thing made me take steps after months of feeling that the recommendations sucked and I was often wasting lots of time watching stuff I didn’t even like.
Now I’m actually getting back into reading and audiobooks, and using invidious for the occasional watch.
I’m gonna switch to tumbleweed just for this, wanna have it as soon as stably possible
Yeah I’ve also been having issues with fedora and been thinking of switching to Arch… Looking forward to it
Probably there are many places with no specific provisions against that but surely that would count for authorities as some sort of disruption of traffic, which are intentionally vaguely defined to cover such ambiguous eventualities.
A shame, I think it would be neat.
Amazing how every single part of your comment is so wrong.
It’s actually a really good analogy,
Not an analogy, an example. Those two are different things.
because it can only run on
No, it can run on many things, including open source collaborative hardware that exists.
fully-capitalist hardware.
What the hell even is that? Fun fact: until very recently most of the computer hardware was made in communist China. I know, scary. And now that a lot of effort is being made to get that production out of there, those efforts are being sponsored by public money to an incredible degree. Billions of dollars of taxes (you know, community resources) are being poured into that because big corporations are the biggest lovers of government handouts.
Probably not what he meant, but it has happened twice now to me that I wear shoes that had been stored for a year without use, but in good condition. After I used them for half an hour or an hour, the rubber sole crumbles literally in little pieces.
that would be great of course but you know who’s very ready to double down and lose billions instead of saying ‘uhmm you know what I think I was wrong and I need to correct course’?
yeah that guy
not directly making money but they can keep creditors at bay by showing not so ugly MAU numbers
i’m not gonna say to anybody that they should stop using twitter right now or they are morally evil, but I would say to everyone that it would be so funny that banks took twitter from him if things declined too much
Been using it for a couple of years now I think. Haven’t seen a reason not to like it.
There’s a thread in GitHub where the privacyguides.org guys discussed some flaws in the encryption but that was at the very beginning, I remember reading those have been solved apparently.
Pricing, well, it seems cheap but honestly I think it’s just because we are used to seeing outrageous prices for ridiculously small amounts of storage. Thinking about it, 30 eur for 100gb is not cheap at all, like some other comment says when compared to physical drive prices. Plus, offering lifetime is a common marketing technique to attract customers used by small or starting businesses. I don’t know if that is the case here but it certainly isn’t an automatic red flag for me. I don’t know if they are gonna be around next year or 5 years from now, but I’m willing to take the risk. They claim to have lots of users and be cash flow sustainable, plus they keep developing and are getting into business features to attract that kind of customers, certainly doesn’t look like a business on life support to me.
App and code-wise, they are much better than they were a year ago. Android app is still a bit janky sometimes but I don’t use it a lot so I got not much to say, other than I can see my files and upload something small once in a while just fine. The desktop client is amazing, the best functioning client for Linux that I have used from any service, or from the few services that have a Linux client at least. The clients are open source and since the service is e2ee you don’t really need to see the server code if the client encryption is done correctly, which apparently there is no sign that it isn’t, as mentioned before.
Overall I would say you can use it, but keep a backup somewhere else just in case, which is just the thing that anyone should be doing anyways.
Well at least I’m gonna get to see it since now the vaccine will kill everyone who took it ‘within 10 years’ instead of 2 as it was originally predicted.
i can’t wait. since last week I’ve been having the strangest issues and I already tried everything I can think of. last hope is an update will fix it.