It seems like someone should be eligible for all states or no states when it comes to this question. But a federal court, not only congress, should have authority to convict on these charges and thereby rule the candidate ineligible.
In the US parties are large coalitions of a lot of different groups an interests and not all of them mesh well together. This is true of the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. To write off the divergence as being explained by upset, uneducated young males who spend a lot of time online seems naive. The population of such males is small and they are an even smaller percentage of the electorate. They might make the difference in a tight election but they do not explain the significant divergence in party association between males and females. Plus the divergence on gender between left and right is not limited to the United States. It is a phenomenon found in many other countries. So there’s a lot more to it than a small demographic in a single nation.
The key word in my comment is “will.” That’s a prediction. You can ping me in 25 years to see if this works out. In the mean time, people are taking this prediction seriously (it isn’t only my prediction) when discussing global politics.
Or maybe the divergence of male/female voting has nothing to do with suffrage. Maybe women value social safety nets offered by Democrats or maybe they value the Democrat foreign policy or maybe they just find Donald Trump more repulsive than do men. I can think of a lot of reasons that could explain the divergence that have nothing to do with someone (who, I don’t know) wanting to repeal a woman’s right to vote.
I read labels and…
I’ve never been more fit.
Most companies selling on Amazon are contractually prohibited to sell for less elsewhere, even from their own website.
Do you have evidence of a conspiracy to revoke womens’ right to vote?
According to the recent Financial Times article, it isn’t just the US. This is a global phenomenon so it is more than abortion.
That doesn’t explain gender divergence.
Many of them will lack the lasting power of North Korea.
You realize Muammar Gaddafi only died 12 years ago and Russia only invaded Ukraine two years ago? Nuclear weapon programs take at least that long to develop. Ukraine and Libya had programs (Ukraine actually had weapons) and abandoned them, much to their demise. If they kept their programs, they wouldn’t have had these problems.
Gaddafi would still be alive. Dictators now need nuclear weapons to assure survival. Look for the world to get real crazy real fast.
I thought capitalism had something to do with capitalists owning the means of production and alienating labor from their work. Where I live most universities are public entities.
Are you saying that abortion has kept the black populating artificially low? And that black Americans could have represented a much larger portion of the electorate?
Give it a generation and Hispanics will be considered white. It’ll happen just as it happened to the Irish and Italians and Eastern Europeans.
Universal healthcare might help but it is also–
Genocide can be a crime committed by one or a few individuals. It doesn’t have to be a top-to-bottom organized effort. This just says that there are some individuals who seem motivated to commit genocide and if they do the Israeli government needs to preserve evidence. And that Israel should avoid situations where genocide is a risk.
The threshold is the same as a constitutional amendment because it would take a constitutional amendment to make happen.
With unlock I didn’t even know there was an arms race. Seamless performance the whole time!
Who else is voting 3rd party this November? Maybe we well get lucky and both will move on before the election.