Yeah I understand that but I mean it’s same hands so why try at all.
Yeah I understand that but I mean it’s same hands so why try at all.
If you move from facebook to instagram or threads why move at all?
Generation zero
Mate you’re really great. That game is so shitty. Fuck it!
Look mom and dad I’m leveling up on the internet!
Yeah. This game is s**t.
I prefer qwant. Based in France. EU privacy law.
Citroen e-c3 is trying.
Yeah yeah. Good for you. Some people need work done you know. “Linux is free, if you don’t value your time.”
This Linux and Firefox shilling on Lemmy is out of hand.
No because brave and Vivaldi exist. Also there is Adguard app for Android or software for windows (not DNS one) and then browser doesn’t matter.
I don’t give a damn about either. They are both scums.
Internet was ruined with the rise of smartphones. Every dumb Karen and her friends started to post on the internet. With PC it was somewhat barrier for idiots. Pre social media times were the best. Nowadays idiots rule the internet.
He’s not lying. Mutiple tests around net agree that OUT OF THE BOX it’s the most secure browser.
Try xmanager
Because you don’t have arguments. Where do you see conspiracy? It’s known facts on the internet found by others.
What a shitty article. Firefox should use mirror.
So no arguments? I don’t even use chrome or edge…
Yeah yeah. Mr robot experiment, broken extensions, pocket, telemetry build in but not opt in, user data collecting. I don’t even talk about pushing shitty propaganda on their browser and blog to lock internet freedom. Also incompetence of mozilla as organization. Big pay of to director then browser is in shittiest position ever. Mozilla director photo on instagram with middle finger up gor users who don’t like her. Even more things just google them yourself. You just don’t want to see them. You must be crazy standing for them for free. Maybe you’re one of them. At least here you can’t ban comment you don’t like… kinda yet. Because reddit subreddit does that because they don’t like truth.
You just live in your fantasy world. Go outside sometimes and see what people really use. They don’t use firefox for a reason.
Firefox lost it’s shares to normies because it was bad. Then it lost shares of tinkers because it moved extension, user agent and so on to chromium. Small market shares means developers don’t give a damn about testing on firefox. Firefox doesn’t show correctly pages and has no good support for pwa, microsoft teams etc. Chromium invents new things wich only edge and chrome have/support. Normies use browser wich just work out of the box for work and pleasure. It’s a circle. You can tinker with your niche browser but massed decides what is what. Chrome/Edge are just better for every day use. Simple as that.*
I like the french one “qwant”.