I’m at a loss
I dislike AOC, shes too communist for my taste
I’m at a loss
Is there a science pun I’m missing?
oh wait they don’t roar they meow, lmfao wow cmon me, get it together
deleted by creator
with any luck america with be completely destroyed within a decade
21st century hitler? Who are we talking about, bush? Biden? Netenyahu?
Ahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa ahahahahahahahah hahahahahaaaaaaaahahaaaaaaaaaaa
Im too burnt out from work to offer anything much of real practical advise, but I just wanted to say you have value, I’m glad you are here and I was able to read your words today, and that you’re loved
People in those state/local offices often tend to move upwards in the party
name a time this has worked to get a progressive into a meaningfully high office (and they didn’t immediately capitulate and throw the working class under the bus in whole or in part)
Yeah what exactly about America do you think is changing here?
Always was, since literally the moment of its creation, what?
Was it indiscriminate, like random civilians blew up from this? Or was it targeted via military equipment etc, thats what I’m askin I think
talking out my ass, I’m guessing its because oxygen is an energetic and highly reactive element, and therefore it can do lots of things and it does them really well (or at least strongly), or in general was just the best most direct means to accomplish the energy intensive tasks that were required given the biosphere we evolved in? I’m not sure how common/ vital oxygen consumption was before that one mass extinction where algae became overabundant and oxygenated the atmosphere and caused a mass extinction, it could have been a result of adaptation to that new condition- though I doubt this is the case
So did they just make bombs disguised inside pagers and hope that their enemies bought them instead of like, normal people and doctors and shit or??
what are these images pointing out?
Wow, really horrifying how you can see the spasms of violence since 2004 in the frequency bunching of these recognition dates. Like, you can tell shit went down in 2011 and 2024
Should have voted for the left wing if you wanted them duh, you fools!
Post for old people
I dunno friend, after reading a bunch of comments here it sounds like this may not be true, please edit this to include the context or a source to the claim
maybe we need a dunk comm thats just for elon, quarantine it lol