I have spent the last several weeks re-creating documents like this there were developed and maintained by one guy for 38 years.
There’s a half page drawing done in word that is lines and boxes and text all as text and positioned with spaces and tabs. I think I took a screenshot of it and just made it all one picture
An assembly line robot (like welding or material handling, I’ve worked with ABB, Fanuc, Motoman, Panasonic) are still called robot “arms” with the end portion often called the “wrist” so there is a degree of anthropomorphizing even if it’s not the whole body. And they do resemble an arm, however with 6 axis motion the motion is more like from your hips to your wrist than shoulder to wrist.
The article gives the names of the victims, were they related?
The coroner’s statement said that the man, 18-year-old Leslye M. Harbin Jr., died of multiple gunshot wounds at the scene, while the two women, 33-year-old Antwanette Chillers and 29-year-old Raysa Pacios Valdes, each died of a gunshot wound at a hospital.
They don’t fly commercial of course, they can afford to maintain their personal planes because of the safety risks, commercial airlines can’t afford that cost because there are too many empty pockets at the executive level.
I do know airlines are expensive to operate but it’s basically a high tech bus service and you have no service without the bus
It’s 8 isn’t it. It’s ok, I liked it too
Had to look it up myself, it’s their name for what Americans call “overtime”
like if you work over 40 hours in a week, any hours you work over 40 are paid out at 150% of your normal rate, some places do 200% for Sunday or holidays.
Found this article from a couple days ago.
I haven’t bought anything from Walmart, Amazon, or Target in over a decade, probably close to two. Sure it costs a little more, but I try to source as much as I can from Costco which helps balance but otherwise I do almost all my shopping from local groceries (surefine, tops) and local hardware stores (franchises I know but generally locally owned)
Is it worth giving up your data for a bigger screen?
Are you?
Modern “Televisions” are pretty much smartphones with a big ass screen connected to them, and as such often requires an internet connection and some form of a login to use, even if you’re hardwired directly to it.
Modern tvs aren’t just a screen that displays the data you send it, they’re a standalone ad serving machine
IIUC the calculation of GDP doesn’t factor in whether the produced goods serve a human need - the system can in theory continue to optimize for ever-increasing GDP while every human on earth starves to death.
There’s an old joke I remember about economists and the GDP.
Two economists are walking through the jungle and come across a gigantic pile of lion scat. One turns to the other and said I’ll pay you 100$ to eat a bite of that shit.
Being an economists and 100$ being worth a lot, the guy eats the shit and gets paid.
A little while later they come across a pile of rhino dung. The now richer economist turns to the first and offers 100$ for him to take a bite out of this pile. 100$ is again a lot of money so he does it and eats the shit.
As they’re walking along, both picking their teeth, one turns to the other and asks “did we both just eat shit for nothing?” And the other days “of course not, now the GDP of the jungle has increased by 200$!”
Your analogy to mechanical systems are exactly where the breakdown to comparison with the human brain occurs, our brains are not like that, we don’t only have the blocks of text loaded into us, sure we only learn what we get exposed to but that doesn’t mean we can’t think of things we haven’t learned about.
The article I linked talks about the separation between the formation of thoughts and those thoughts being translated into words for linguistics.
The fact that you “don’t even know why the how the brain creates an articulated spoken word is even relevant here” speaks volumes to how much you understand the human brain, particularly in the context of artificial intelligence actually understanding the words it generates and the implications of thoughts behind the words and not just guessing which word comes next based on other words, the meanings of which are irrelevant.
I can listen to a song long enough to learn the words, that doesn’t mean I know what the song is about.
Funny to me how defensive you got so quick, accusing of not reading the linked paper before even reading it yourself.
The reason OP was so rude is that your very premise of “what is the brain doing if not statistical text prediction” is completely wrong and you don’t even consider it could be. You cite a TV show as a source of how it might be. Your concept of what artificial intelligence is comes from media and not science, and is not founded in reality.
The brain uses words to describe thoughts, the words are not actually the thoughts themselves.
Think about small children who haven’t learned language yet, do those brains still do “stastical text prediction” despite not having words to predict?
What about dogs and cats and other “less intelligent” creatures, they don’t use any words but we still can teach them to understand ideas. You don’t need to utter a single word, not even a sound, to train a dog to sit. Are they doing “statistical text prediction” ?
This statue looks like the moon sisters from Kubo and the two strings
I have about 9 crowns currently, and my wife is a dental assistant with implant and surgery experience. I asked about this one time and got this explanation.
Implants are a highly invasive, long, and expensive process, like over 10k each expensive, and months of procedures and recovery. Granted, usually implants aren’t done to healthy teeth, but they usually have to build up the bone material after extracting the tooth and let that heal, drill into the bone and set the post then let that heal, then fit the implant and adjust everything because your teeth have been moving while it’s been healing.
One of the reasons the dentist doesn’t want to just pull a tooth and do an implant is the even when root canaled, that tooth is a better support than the implant post would be, and the implant is a lot more work.
The process of fillings, then crown, then root canal and crown don’t usually happen in sequence like that, and if you do preventative maintenance you can keep a tooth with a filling from ever needing to be crowned or root canal’d
You wanna know what’s a hell of a lot cheaper and easier than getting any dental work? Flossing and brushing!
I have hated flossing my entire life because it hurts my fingers to wrap the floss enough not to slide, but a couple months back I discovered I could tie a figure 8 knot and make a loop to pull tension on and now find i can’t stand the feeling of anything in-between my teeth so I end up flossing after every meal.
Moral of the story is: floss and brush your teeth and you won’t need to worry about crowns or implants. Always before bed and especially after anything with sugar or starches
A friend of mine introduced me to this channel and I love it. They do such amazing historical recreation of so many different aspects of pre-modern life. One of my favorites
Stretch, focus on muscle groups in your hands or arms or shoulders or neck if you can’t get up, back or hips or calfs or ankles if you’re standing
It’s about direction of rotation, does the wrench turn left or turn right, there isn’t the same notion of up and down / in and out because that portion happens when the bolt or nut turns. Also, anything rotation is moving the opposite direction on the other side of the rotation, so if you have to tighten a screw that turns towards you it’s the opposite
I remember having a demo for giants: citizen Kabuto, it was a weird and fun third person shooter. The thing I remember most is the initial quest giver guy and the way he would say “huuungry” something about it stuck in my brain
One I liked a lot is Layer Cake with Daniel Craig