I always keep a usb around with freedos for that reason. Works great and you don’t have to deal with windows
I always keep a usb around with freedos for that reason. Works great and you don’t have to deal with windows
By that logic FireFox and pretty much every company is in the same boat
Grifters all the way down then
iCloud does have E2EE if you enable it
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They are already tagged as explicit/clean in the metadata as well as separated by folder with an [E] tag if explicit. I could manually rematch them but my library is large so I’d really rather not
I like Plexamp but there’s a couple of things to be aware of depending on your music library that took me a while to figure out:
These probably aren’t issues to the majority of users with just their favorite songs in mp3 or flac 16-44, but it’s something for people with larger hi-res/multichannel libraries to be aware of that I recently learned.
I just bought a few refurbished 12TB WD Ultrastars off Amazon and it actually says it’s sold by ServerPartDeals. Not sure if it’s the same people but interesting if they are
Maybe they are thinking of iVentoy which is not open source but is by the same dev
The article he linked specifically mentioned that the data is sent to matrix’s servers even when using a self hosted server though
What did you end up using?
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I actually didn’t know that about addressing before your comment and so I found it very interesting, thanks
The article says that’s what the government is telling employees since there were several critical vulnerabilities found in chrome. It is very convenient that these vulnerabilities were patched in the same update that manifest v2 is removed though
You sweet summer child
How are they going to get past my firewall rules?
Ubuntu was my first Linux desktop distro and I’ve been using it for 4ish years. I really liked it but I no longer feel like I can trust canonical after the whole ‘secretly install Firefox snap when installed with apt cli’ thing. It wouldn’t have even been a big deal if they just said it was only available as a snap but the execution pissed me off to the point of switching
Yes it looks like it is included in the official docker image
I just did a speedtest over wifi and got 530 down / 260 up with 45ms ping. I connected to a server a few states away and also got about the same with the closest server. I do have gigabit fiber though