Because TokenBoomer is a rightwing shill, posts nothing but anti-leftwing stuff pretending its all #BothSides.
Because TokenBoomer is a rightwing shill, posts nothing but anti-leftwing stuff pretending its all #BothSides.
In the realm of unsafe looking links: this is the link that all others shall be judged by.
Now I wanna rewatch that Tom Cruise movie…
Well yeah, the fantasy part is that you’d make enough money to actually do it, heh.
Anyone else yearn to live in a fantasy setting where they could get a plane like this and go from airfield to airfield living as a traveling trader?
Hell Ro got shitcanned from Starfleet TWICE and still ended up a Commander ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
I have a bag of Skippy Peanut Butter Balls lodged in my ass. If I move they won’t be there any more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh man that’s gold…
Never mind, I like her better already!
You just accidentally described most of the companions in Doctor Who…
Isn’t that the one in red?
I’m sorry are we including Dr. Toby “Bodycount” Russell in the good column?
Now I want a Barclay doll, THANKS.
I’m not against a “gangster” version of the Joker, because a lot of the Batman lore is about the different gangs of henchmen so the Joker is as much a gang leader as anyone else. AND I’ll go out and say he was not the worst thing in that movie… but yeah they could have done a lot better with the casting. But hey, still better than Eisen-Luthor!
I would love to see someone do this… and then promptly get red-carded the fuck out of there.
No greater joy than shopping in a heavily religious neighborhood on a Sunday.
Which is scarier, that a creature is literally eating you from the inside out or that it might ruin your chances at getting laid? Never mind we all know the answer.
I mean, zats were so stupid they were practically written out of the show.
I coughed while trying to say it out loud and a demon appeared, unfortunately the demon only speaks Aramaic so now we’re both confused.
That is a bomb ass shirt.