Fair enough. Apologies for my country ushering in this horrid administration.
Red flag laws violate the 4th and 6th, no thanks. Background checks can and will be politicized to make sure undesirables get weeded out. We must be living in different timelines.
Never said anything about them being successful, but the intent is plain to see for those not being willfully obtuse.
I’m curious how bad it needs to get? I hope we can pull through but Democrats don’t inspire much confidence.
You got any more of that cope buckaroo? I think it’s cute you think I’m right wing, clearly a conditioned response. Take care sport.
I’m rooting for you champ. You’ll get it one day.
I can only give you information, I can’t understand it for you.
They’re chronically stupid.
Slotkin might as well be another Sinema.
This is the same Tim Walz that champions civil disarmament? Now he’s warning us about the very thing that the right to bear arms is supposed to protect the people against. Glad Tim and his party didn’t succeed in making us all impotent in the face of this fascist regime.
RFK Jr is the personification of genital warts. He can’t go away soon enough.
Was watching this last night, these scum bags are just slippery as hell with how they talk about issues.
I thought Trump said during his car sales pitch that egg prices were down. I can’t believe he lied! s/
Honestly I can’t say I’ve ever had a reason to use it on my phone.
Car shaped Irish missiles slamming into Russian oil refineries would be some South Park type shit.