I dont think he complained about the usage of english, but that whenever the discussion is in english - everybody assumes everybody is from america.
I dont think he complained about the usage of english, but that whenever the discussion is in english - everybody assumes everybody is from america.
I find the android experience on pixel 6 vastly inferior to what i had on onePlus 3t or even galaxy S3.
In pixels it feels like customization is frowned upon, and google keeps pushing its products everywhere.
They can both suck an egg.
Self-censorship is the best censorship
Completely legal and definitely not abusing one monopoly to push for another
How can an android app get all the info about me if it has no permissions?
Dont worry, the Lemmy website is better (unlike your bank’s)
If you liked red-alert you might like other RTS games such as Age Of Empires 2 (remaster came out in 2019, very active community) or starcraft2.
Megamen X3, but X1 and X2 are nice as well. Old but gold.
In a cli you only type commands and send them with Enter, in a TUI you can click/move around with the arrows just like in a gui.
Edit: dont know about good front ends.
There are multiple gui front ends, but its still very popular to use it in the terminal. Its a TUI, so it practically works like a GUI.
Depends on your definition of an IDE, but nowadays vim can be extended to have basically any feature you’d like. Especially neovim.
More like charge money to be called a verified user without actually being verified.
I dont see the relevence of your first paragraph. Yes there is more than just 1 type of jew. So what?
Jewish power is a far right party with religious elements. It persuaded even secular young voters with speeches about a powerful country and far right ideas. Some people are easily persuaded by ideas of power. What else is new? But calling them nazi equivalents is a huge stretch. With all the bad things i can say about them, they are not nazis. Also, whether or not they are nazis is beyond the point here. They are definitely religious, they are definitely fanatics, and they are definitely not THE government.
And you completely missed the point - the political system in israel is one that gives some power even to smaller parties, such as Jewish Power and The United Arab List. They are not “in power”, they simply have some power.
For reference, they have about as much power as the arabic-islamic party The United Arab List had in the previous government, yet i never saw people calling israel an islamic arabic country.
For games with high skill ceilings and delicate mechanics, a new engine is a new game. A new engine can rarely capture the overall feel of the old engine.
Ethnicity is not a religion. Being jewish has either a religious or an ethnic cultural meaning. Saying Israel is jewish as in religious is saying you solved a 75 year old internal argument. Heck this argument is the reason Israel has no constitution yet. Its a mostly secular country though. Most people are not acting upon any religious rules beyond celebrating the holidays (no different than celebrating christmas for “christians”).
Oh, and guess what? The construction of israel is completely irrelevent to whether or not right now they are fighting due to a religion or not. They were receiving terrorist attacks and wars declared against them since conception.
Whether or not you agree with their original idea or the means they used along the way does not change the fact they are fighting for non religious reasons. They were attacked and they are responding with questionable means. Religious plays no part here.
And “jewish power” received less than 5% of the votes. In the American voting system they would have been as relevant as the american neo-nazi party (which means irrelevant). They are only in the government because fanatics are easily united, and because Netanyahu is a literal criminal that would form a government with simply anyone so that he can avoid jail time.
I usually try not to comment on these topics, but where on the israeli side do you see religious fanatics? You can say many things about their side, but religion is not their motive.
Exactly. With youtube’s shitty tutorial search functions ever since they removed dislikes, i kinda need to see the start of the video to know if its even relevant. But no. Full on 2-3 pre-video ads.
“Israel bombed a hospital. 500 killed, 300 injured”
“Eh, actually, it was a self inflicted failed launch”.
“Oh right. So as i was saying, it was just a parking lot near a hospital. About 30 killed”.