Issue is that Immutable also conveyed a different type of information. When I first heard of it, I genuinely thought it was something like DeepFreeze for Windows
Issue is that Immutable also conveyed a different type of information. When I first heard of it, I genuinely thought it was something like DeepFreeze for Windows
Btrfs is really cool, just a warning: I had a surprise when I found out the subvolumes make a device more of a hassle to mount externally, you can’t just put it on an external HDD enclosure and expect it to work as painlessly as it is with more “traditional” file systems, I had to mount each subvolume manually as GUI file managers only mounted the root.
It’s not complicated, but more than I’d hoped for.
I don’t really understand that argument, and I want someone to correct me:
If you were keeping your battery at the ideal charge (i.e. 20% to 80%) that means you are really only using 60% of your battery during its lifetime. I’ve been using my phone since July of 2021, always changing it to 100%, preferably only charging when it gets close to 0%. Using AccuBattery I get the battery stats and after 2 years and a half, the battery capacity is at 85%.
I still have 85% of usable battery, this is more than the 60% I’d get if I was using the battery ideally. So I don’t really get this argument about taking care of the battery cause it appears it would take a while before the battery is degraded enough to hold less charge than the recommended rate.
Some apps have useful information that you can glance using the notification, like Tasker or those Battery monitoring apps. Dismissing those notifications is a pain in the ass for users that use them
Oof, my bad, posted the message without completing it. I was gonna say that PayPal is a bad payment method cause it doesn’t take into account the intricacies of local payment methods despite being used as an sort of international method to transfer money (The play store is a fantastic payment method for instance, almost makes me wish for Google to take on PayPal). Credit Cards are also bad cause you need an international one and it isn’t always easy to get it.
It’s more of a frustration thing rather than guilty, mostly because it is possible, but not convenient. KDE isn’t the only thing I’d like to donate to, but it also uses PayPal
Yes, except none of those are the most convenient payment method for online purchases in my country, even credit card requires an international one IIRC, furthermore, it is a pain to figure out a proper amount cause it uses Euro. The minimum € 3,00 isn’t a huge amount converted to my local currency, but it isn’t a small amount either.
So you end up with something that is too much of a hasle even if you had the cash and wanted to donate. Cause you can’t stop thinking along the lines of “even if I wanted to deal with all of this the amount I’m giving isn’t going to change that much”
I’m broke
PayPal is horrible and inconvenient
Not really cause the function isn’t the same. A red light means stop indefinitely until the light stops being red, a stop sign is more of a stop and then go. I do admit my wording was rather poor, tho.
In my country the Red Light is a predicable function of the road, so turning right on red is fundamentally removing part of the function of the red light. I know crossings in some countries are…weird, but here, if you see the light turning red and are immediately in front of the stopped traffic, you can cross it to the median cause no traffic is going to cross it. A right on red remove this predicability, and even if you absolutely need to have this function, you can just add another traffic light that controls that lane.
I find absolutely baffling that the red signal, the signal made specifically to mean stop, the stop signal, can allow traffic to go through it. If you really need to let cars to go through, just add another traffic light for conversions
Public transit in games is kinda weird.
I loved using trains in GTA IV, but in GTA V it sucked. Although I think it maybe has to do with the real life cities those games are based on.
Sadly, none had working buses
A family member always downloaded and installed APKs from the internet and didn’t know about the Play Store cause that is how you did things on Windows.
The person is question has low tech literacy, and they were doing this for years
It makes translation more of a headache than it needs to be.
has a bunch of quotes to spit out when an incorrect password is typed. Gentoo exposes that feature with theoffensive
USE flag.
Argh, why tho?
Like, I get that it is sometimes fun to throw some humor and things like that, but it is just too much trouble. It looks unprofessional and makes translation more of a pain than it needs to be. And that isn’t even opening the can of worms that insults actually are
Edit: alright, I got it. L for me
Hmm, the GUI is reasonable and easy to understand. I wonder if Gamescope can be changed while the game is running, so it could be put in the Quick Access menu
So one big disk for your Steam library and whatever you play might be slow on the first load but then as you play the game files gets promoted to the NVMe cache and perform mostly at NVMe speeds, and your loading screens are much shorter.
I really love/hate how you can immediately understand the practical application of new technologies through the use of games.
Like, the whole point of a public traded company is that anyone can come in and give money to the company and, in turn, they get money when the company is doing well, so the money you’ve paid is, hopefully, not lost.
I don’t know about you, but on paper, that sounds like bonds and basically every type of debt in existence.
The difference is the perpetual ownership of the company by shareholders. Consider someone who lent a company 20k, they now have an asset that grew immensely in value, it gives them money quarterly/yearly/whatever, AND they have decision power on the company, despite the fact that they have earned 100x what they lent.
Just changing the idea of stock to be something with an expiration date would remove most of the weirdness of the system, but at that point it isn’t really a public-traded company, is it?
Even then you can just add a higher interest rate. You absolutely don’t need to held the company hostage until the heat death of the universe.
The issue is the perpetual ownership.
If I lend you money, you only own me the money I’ve lended+interest. I’m not going to have a stake on your future businesses, nor have any decision power over you, it isn’t in my power to make sure you squeeze the most money possible over your job. You pay the money back and we are done.
I have a bunch of issues(some way smaller and borderline nitpicks) with windows, but I guess there’s some big ones:
Linux runs smoothly on older computers, even with KDE which everyone talks about as if it was heavy. Windows is a slug in comparison.
Linux is free, truly free. Microsoft can’t beat that.
Shit just works (unless you are on Nvidia…), don’t need to install drivers and shit like that.
most of the software you don’t get from a random website and they all update at once, rather than having each one update itself and only itself