Costliest blaze in history so far…
Costliest blaze in history so far…
That’s the problem when you have a bunch of narcissistic opportunities vying for power. Eventually, they start trying to push each other down the stairs…
Nah, icicles are occasionally sharp…
I’m going to start calling them Tesla hatchbacks.
This is what happens when we let foreign interests fund our politicians.
Considering that a US hospital will charge you a few grand for even looking in their direction these days, $2,500.22 for something serious, like seizures, sounds like a steal :(
Ideally, it would be the same word over and over, so that we can trick the AI into ending all sentences with the word. Bonus points if it is the word “buffalo”, since it can from a grammatically correct sentence.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I’ve had a lot of fun with Book of Demons, which is a bit more simplified, but really respects whatever amount of time I have to put into it!
The only things in that range around these parts are going to be burnt out husks of a house with a cheery “fixer-upper” in the listing title…
Didn’t even have to be the US.
Israel has been known to threaten US politicians with financially backing their political opponents unless their Zionist line is toe’d.
Honestly, if I’m seeing more than say two or three currencies or kinds of bits to keep track of, it’s a no for me. I don’t care how much I’m in love with the concept.
Mainly because I don’t have the available real estate at my place to break out every other War & Peace- worth of board game, but especially if it looks like the setup time is will take longer than playing an actual game.
The original Homeworld also scaled difficulty based on how well you were doing on previous levels.
You can never trust a zealot.
Especially one from a nigh-suicidal death-cult that’s hell-bent on speeding up their version of apocalypse…
I made the same switch earlier this year. The only real issues I can recall were learning to update flatpak manually because it holds up the other updates if I don’t do that through the Konsole first.
Granted, that might just be my system, but I generally have had far fewer issues with Tumbleweed than I’ve ever had with Mint.
Oh, and my art tablet gets tagged as a game controller for some reason, but it works for what I need it for so I haven’t bothered to fix it.
I concur. SSBN wouldn’t risk sailing through the canal without shutting the entire canal down just for security reasons.
That’s an SSGN. SSBN, the ones that carry Trident missiles, don’t need, nor want, to be anywhere near the theatre in order to operate.
I’ve got a couple of world building vaults kicking around.
One for a steam-punkish floating islands world and one for a pokemon-esque post-post-apocalypse world.
Yeah, those corporate types usually can’t see past their next quarterly earnings report.
The fact remains that this playbook failed rather drastically, earlier this year even, with the D&D Franchise making similar headlines, and it wasn’t even enough to give them pause.
This is what happens when a wannabe dictator isn’t held accountable for their actions during their previously failed coup.