Yeah Mussolini did something good tooo trains were in time when he was our leader
Obviously sarcastic
Yep, I’m sorry never thought of that
Haven’t come out to him yet but you were ready to come out to the whole internet ? I don’t want to shame you but man come on grow some balls 😉
Wow that’s so cool hope proton does
Yeah usual 2024 dystopia
Why don’t you just lie … Each time a different name surname email address physical address phone number … Yeah sometimes it’s Mandatory to use a real address for delivery purposes just put a random name in and add a post-it on the doorbell saing something on the line of leave packages for Crudelia demon here please. Temp mail for most discounts is enough… The test cases in which they do not only ask for your phone but also want to verify it it’s pretty slim …
Yeah go ahead and convince them , I have never even met in real life someone that slightly agrees not even to a big armed revolution but at the fact that there is something terribly wrong in this country 😏
I hope people would wake up in time
Hell no I Wana see that … People finally taking serious actions against it when its way too late … There’s nothing better then seeing rich people trying to buy stuff that can’t be bought… And finally dying full of regrets knowing it was their and theyr families fault.
I never read the tings I write … I already know whats written there …
I don’t … Yeh I will explain it further… Later. now I have to keep scrolling never found the end yet …
Make sure the uuid matches the uuid of the home partition you want, you can list uuids with blkid I think, big noob here too I just spent my last week trying to figure out why it wouldnt mount my boot partition and the problem was the UUID…
It doesn’t matter you have to trash your clothes anyway …
I’m more like the referee… Lonely, in disbelief, with absolutely no idea on what the fuck Is going on these days , and how did the big fat panda managed to even have the chance of getting her mad 😏
We have a lot here in Italy and it’s still a hard choice
Yah believe me if you had 6 or 8 you will still be voting for the lesser of two evils and you will spend your days trying to understand the differences…
It’s so curious I bet thers one in each language we have a similar one in Italy it says
“puoi scrollarlo dalle alpi alle ande ma l ultima goccia va sempre nelle mutande”
It means you can shake it from the Alps to the Andes but the last drop always goes into the underwear
I used tooo … Now I have discovered that I can just shove it in the blow drier works better 😉
The solution is to not be available in the first place… can I have your number? nope don’t have one … So how can we keep in touch we can’t … There’s this thing called simpleX I once in a blue moon check if you want to try … Convinced one friend till now … He doesn’t answer on it :( Hope to meet you in person one day would be a nice to knew someone privacy aware