No. However, the FDP are basically terrorists at this point and will stop at nothing to praise the „Schwarze Null“
No. However, the FDP are basically terrorists at this point and will stop at nothing to praise the „Schwarze Null“
Im fine with republicans getting the secret detail they deserve.
France has repeatedly tried to hand over shared control of those nukes to Germany. I’d argue that this alliance is set in stone.
Europe is a nuclear power with second strike capability. „Practically disarmed„ is rather different
Dogs would be a good example for ring species, which show the outer limits of the species definition, if they they occurred in the wild in their many diverse forms. But since they are not, I’d group them as one species still, as their origin is artificial and so are, at least partly, their means of reproduction.
In theory: yes, most likely. In practice? No.
And rightfully so. That movie was an utter atrocity.
If you can opt out of it, it’s not a tax. It’s an insurance. Taxes pay for everyone.
Since when should country size play a role in government support? There are planes ffs. If your military can operate in the middle of a desert with no utilities, you should be able to support a stable civilian management in rural places.
I’d call that a failed state of the haven’t even got government firefighters. What other basic necessities don’t they have? Are streets also subscription based?
A lot of these bodies were Ukrainian back then.
It’s another spin on the aforementioned restaurant. It’s from a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. In said restaurant (Milliways) the cows have been bred to wanting to be eaten and expressing said wish directly to the customers.
I don’t like food that talks to me before I eat it.
Id say let’s put him up for a test then.
Millennia. I think the original problem started with the Babylonian exile. The only continuous period of absolute peace was when the romans burned down the temple and salted the earth in Jerusalem.
I’m not advocating for any of this, but the problems are rooted deeper than 1947.
So far, „sky“ is pretty nice