Don’t do that. Grrmany did. Did not end so Well.
Don’t do that. Grrmany did. Did not end so Well.
Lol. Yeah. Shut up. Its not. Proven not.
Hm. Reading further in the article and since its not the first no-no… I have doubts.
The most have a 45 degree angle
Yo. You know. Screw him. Slava Ukraini!!!
What the actual fuck
A platform that probably helped him a lot becoming the president. How ironic.
I can Tell you the German IG comment section is going bananas.
People speaking about the Hitlergruß. Some deny it. Some call people Nazis, that say it Was a Hitlergruß and thats disgusting.
Election is up in less than 6 weeks in Germany. And i am afraid this shitshow will roll over.
I am in loss for words. I’m so sorry what is Happening over there. A Nazi salute done by an “official”.
Antifascist Action gotta happen… 161 - alerta!!!
I registered and waiting for activation. Will probably also subscribe the lower plan.
Well. Look for older games like Metal Gear Solid or FF7. They still work.
Could it be that you speak about an expected failure rate?
Thats one Argument for keeping the stuff OG. I really have mixed Feelings :/
Yeah. Another thing is using Everdrives for each unit. I know a lot of people do that
That was actually the Initial discussion. It cant die so easily on that…
I dont know how to explain. I’m not that big of a techie. But yeah. They do somewhen.
Because facts. I knew about CDs/DVD and so on. New to me ist the GBA, DS, 3DS and Switch run out somewhen.
Makes sense. But what are the odds getting such?
What is a good alternative for Mail? I’m mostly for Proton because of Data security and Mail aliases. But this move is actually concerning.
Yes, I know the background behind it.
Thats disturbing. I have no words…
What the fuck…