When American is at its worst, it’s absolutely lowest, it is still better than the UK on it’s best day.
When American is at its worst, it’s absolutely lowest, it is still better than the UK on it’s best day.
Irregardless of this trudeau is a removed boy. He takes the politicians mission to the next level.
Idk who’s really the options yet. Honestly though I’ve been reading about Third Way politicians in Pakistan and while i think their particular party sucks, id like to see something similar in the US.
By that i mean a slightly more government friendly libertarian party.
Edit: just realized i didn’t answer your question. Sorry
Lol wild right. I think the big selling point was that i could work 2 jobs at once.
I make $20 at my regular job. His big pitch was that he does both at once
I don’t have any more info to add. Well I’m pretty sure the “business” is located in india
After many hours of deliberation and a long tearful phonecall with my mother, I’ve decided to pass on the opportunity.
For anyone who doesn’t know: this is a recoilless rifle because it shoots out exhaust gasses out the ass end.
If i didn’t have a hurry up and wait type job i could pound through everything in about 3 hours. I do walk about 7 miles a night though so thatd suck to have to do in 3 hours on top of everything else.
Its the piece that clicks and moves the ballpoint in or out of the housing. On some pens it clicks and on others it twists. Its just the moving part.
Yeah i buy internal kits. It has the transmission, tube, pen cartridge, and some other pieces. I usually pour my own acrilic blanks, and cut my own wood blanks.
Mostly i just turn down wood or acrylics into the exterior handle piece of the pen. Its pretty cathartic because you end up with a product that reflects your effort and each one will be completely unique.
My 5 lbs of chicken is a drop in the ocean. It’d be different if you caught me zooming around in a private jet.
Yeah like ballpoint pens
I like to just browse Wikipedia. It’s an endless wealth of knowledge that never ceases to impress me. It’s like the modern library of Alexandria.
I also make cocktails for fun, target shoot, fish, ride trails (not trials), make pens, collect knives, play skyrim, and i cook too.
I bounce between what i focus on often.
we disagree on how shitty it is.
There’s one for people who eat urinal cakes too. I think that’s my favorite
I always think of the bloody mary from that TellTale game
It was actually about $700
Yes but they weren’t “people” so 🤷♂️