I don’t know if I want to see all of them at once(ish) or spread them out to enjoy them over a longer span.
Holy shit, I didn’t realize Car Talk with Martok was a whole series. Martok engaging in Darmok style conversation is amazing.
I’ve never played a game of D&D in my life but I’m happy to let my nerd flag flag because I fully understood these references.
Also whoever dreamed up “Car Talk with Martok” is a bloody genius.
Get it straight–he looks more like Dollar Store Butthead.
WTF I thought my one order every one to one and a half weeks due to my sheer laziness was getting excessive.
As for Prime getting commercials, it’s a good thing Prime somehow manages to have barely any content worth watching where they could possibly insert commercials for me. I’m assuming this will not apply to movies you pay to rent.
My primary gaming is on Xbox and I still can’t tell the hamburger and copy button icons apart without looking at them when a game refers to them in a tutorial or menu.
I downloaded that movie on a whim for a long flight to Australia and it was surprisingly solid. I didn’t know the source material and assumed it was a original concept. Annapurna’s games are usually top tier so hopefully their movies will be as well.
Good to see some player opinions on Triangle Strategy. I’ve had the game on my Switch wishlist forever, hoping to snag it if it ever went on sale or I cleared some of my backlog. Now I’m not even sure I want it if it doesn’t come close to the greatness of FF Tactics.
I never understood the praise for Octopath. Even though they were technically intertwined, it almost never felt like the characters were interacting with one another; it felt like they were just monologuing and not actually conversing. It didn’t help I hit a huge difficulty spike at the end because I didn’t level up my characters the way the game wanted me to and couldn’t continue.
Same here re: Ubisoft cookie cutter open worlds. I LOVED the first ~40 hours of Immortals and thought I was approaching the end until I realized I was less than halfway at the rate I was progressing. I have no idea how length estimates like the ones on How Long to Beat are accurate for this game; usually they’re pretty spot on for my “complete what I find fun and interesting and not much else” play style. I gave up on the game after briefly skimming FAQs to see what I had left.
Final Fantasy 15. I’ve never been a fan of the modern (post FF7) games but fell for the hype around 15, purchased it, played it, actually finished it constantly wondering when the game would suck me in, and was left wondering what all that hype was about. The game had literally nothing I wanted in a JRPG as I found the story bog standard and the combat and traversal piss poor. That game officially made me give up on Final Fantasy since the only recent-ish game I’ve liked is FF Tactics. Make a sequel to that and I’ll reconsider.
I’m in the middle of my DS9 rewatch and totally forgot about the stark difference between Sisko hair and Sisko bald. I just watched the Homefront/Paradise Lost episodes and the episode where Eddington defects to the Maquis and watching Sisko go all badass and lose his shit was fantastic.
I won’t mess with plumbing again after trying to replace my kitchen faucet only to discover that the shutoff was old and busted the moment I turned the knob, leading to water spraying out everywhere. Called in a plumber to fix it and it took him several hours to resolve–no chance I had the knowledge, skills, and tools to fix that.
I’m going to be the voice of dissension. I absolutely adored Limbo and bought Inside day one solely because of it. But Inside just didn’t hook me like Limbo did. Inside was perfectly fine but I never gave it a second thought once I finished it, unlike Limbo.
I’m an old dude who actually had the original Atari 2600 and 7800 as a kid and loved playing games on them. I finished Pitfall 2 FFS. Those games have exactly zero appeal to me today.
I’m not entirely sure who this new hardware is supposed to appeal to. Would Atari 2600 purists go for this given the price tag and emulated games?
Switched it to the bottom only to find out it didn’t matter one bit and was still just as hard to reach there as it was at the top. Moved it back to the top because that’s where my brain looks for it.
The Back to the Future trilogy. It’d only be a slight exaggeration to say I’ve watched those movies hundreds of times.
I see AI still can’t render hands well. Apparently pixelated feet give it problems too, judging from Mario’s nightmare fuel feet.
I’m half her age and I don’t recover from falls and injuries anywhere near as quickly as I did in my younger days. I can barely wrap my brain around how frail a 90 year old must be.
Anyone who says Sea of Stars is in the same echelon as “classic” JRPGs clearly didn’t play all the way through SoS or has not played many classic JRPGs. SoS was an okay game for what it was but I honestly don’t remember much about it a couple of months after finishing it, whereas games like Lunar and Persona will always be cherished gaming memories for me.