Sounds like you gave up. Sorry can’t do that.
Sounds like you gave up. Sorry can’t do that.
Not gonna lie. You’re doing an awful job at advocating. I understand what you’re saying but you’re doing it in such an offputting way that I have to wonder if you even care or if this is just you venting.
Being justified and right doesn’t mean you can act however you want in the name of that just cause. If you’re not likeable then no one is going to listen to you.
Saw this comment and thought I was on Reddit.
I think you got lost along the way.
No need to apologize. Glad you shared. Never apologize for getting something off your chest.
I’m sorry no one treated your abuse seriously.
F.D is great actually. Need more like him.
Need for Speed promotes scofflaw activities.
And I’m all for it.
deleted by creator
This was refreshing to read.
I too am just tired of all the damn negativity.
Thank you for the validation.
Panics while using Boost to view this post
Nah a little alt right content is entirely too much.
Ok. Don’t really care about what some random asshole online thinks I’m just explaining to OP.
I’m not changing.
Because they’re a stranger. I don’t know them and probably never will. Oh they did something shitty that cost someone else their life? Good, they deserve to die and I hope they burn in hell.
Because I don’t know them and they commited something I think is evil. There’s no purpose in me humanizing them. I humanize the actual people in life I interact with.
Also its impotent rage
Tainted apparel gives a mood debuff
Amazing comment! This is the content that made me fall in love with Reddit, message boards and reading other people’s thoughts online.
No, the internet can never be taken from us.