Just kinda that guy, ya know?
Pain, agony even. Torture, if you will.
Check out your local distilleries, they likely have some good stuff.
What a fucking PUSSY lmfao. Guess all that Ketamine didn’t “”“expand”“” his mind after all.
You are correct that they’re east of the Rockies. However, Alberta and Saskatchewan make upwards of 75% of Canada’s farmland, so they produce Canada’s grain. As for where beer companies get their grain, I have no doubt they try to get it from wherever is cheapest. In the Northern Midwest, that’s likely from Canada, since it’s closer than Louisiana or Mississippi, or any of the other southern states. I don’t have the actual sales info to go off of, though.
I moreso meant hops, but yeah, the PNW does tons of grain as well. Alberta, specifically, produces (I believe) the majority in Canada. Trying to kill the PNW would cripple their alcoholic base.
The truly hilarious part is that all the cheap, shitty beer that these dumbfuck MAGAts drink is made with ingredients sourced from the PNW. They’d have to give up Bud, Busch, Miller and Coors.
Damn, the ketamine really is freeing his mind! Freeing it to be worse in every way, that is.
I mean, the Navy has historically been, like, SUPER gay.
You know what, if they destroy Social Security just because Musk said so, I have no doubt there will be blood. Too many people from too many demographics in too many places rely on it just to SURVIVE, let alone abuse it in any meaningful way.
This would honestly be one of, if not the fastest ways to spark a civil war, outside of rolling troops into major cities and opening fire. Why? Because you’d suddenly have millions of people unable to feed themselves, in a country where there are significantly more guns than people, and they’d all have ample cause to march on DC.
THAT SAID, I doubt Musk and Trump have thought of that, because they’re 2 drug-addled lunatics who do not and never have cared about long-term ramifications. I’m sure other Republicans are shitting themselves in fear right now, as the Dipshit Duo get ready to kill the Political Golden Goose, but none of them can speak up for fear of losing power.
What a fucking mess.
Baby Shark, followed by Wonderwall.
That’s a lot of words just to admit you’re fucking stupid.
If you’re not taking large doses of it on the regular, sure, but he is. The long-term health effects will be astounding, should he survive long enough to see them.
Good fucking Criminey I hate this bastard. Bro just wants generations of cheap wage slaves for him and his buddies to harass. The world will become a much nicer place once he dies on a Ketamine binge or something.
Unfortunately, if the last 10 years have shown me anything, it’s that the Venn Diagram of Trump Supporting Fascists and Self-proclaimed Republicans is rapidly approaching a circle. Some may yet shock us by breaking rank now, but I have no doubt they’ll eventually fall in line, save for a show of deadly force causing them to knee-jerk rebel.
Also, there will not be a point where they stop and say “Are we too Pro-Trump???” That’s just not how fascist regimes work. They encourage the self-cannibalizing behavior of reinforcing ever-deepening faith in The Leader/Party, leaving no room for thought or doubt as they demand ever-more-extreme shows of loyalty. Anyone who breaks the trend is an outsider to be immediately put down to enforce said loyalty further. Republicans have been showcasing this kind of behavior for years, such as adopting the term RINO (Republican In Name Only) for members who break rank, the constant buzzwords, hate speech, and battle cries cycled endlessly through their social circles to signify that they’re in the “In-Group”, the mountains of merch they all seem to own (hats, flags, truck stickers, etc.) to show support for The Leader, and most importantly, their propensity to IMMEDIATELY resort to violence when their Party/Leader/“”“authority”“” is questioned or denied. These dipshits are only gonna keep getting worse until Trump FINALLY bites it, and the cult of personality collapses, but even then, they might devolve further just to spite “”“The Left™️”“”.
Doubtful. They’ve shown beyond a reasonable doubt that nothing matters to them except blind loyalty to T. Nothing. Their own lives are meaningless before him, and his whims define their every breath. If he started shipping troops and guns to Russia, Republicans would be right there, fervently cheering him on.
Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that Trumpers would gladly destroy their own lives to see me and mine dead (Queer folk), I’d feel somewhat bad for them too. However, they’ve shown time and again that they want us dead for the pettiest and most made up reasons, so I’ll feel nothing but contempt for them as they burn. As for everyone else… for them, I will weep openly, as they do not deserve this fresh Hell.
And yet, they’re absolutely critical for keeping public transportation networks (read: roads, highways, trains and busses) functional and operational. The big reason they want this toll gone is because it’ll re-cripple NYC, a “”“liberal stronghold”“” (read: major population center in a blue state) they’ve always hated.
This is just soft core porn. GTFO.