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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s kind of interesting because it directly echos Trump’s own thoughts. As personal or his business strategy Trump alwaslys tried to block payment after contracted work was done.

    And now part of his supreme court is showing the same tendency, I suspect this will come back again and again untill more justices fall in line and the ruling for non payment of delivered work sticks.

    Perhaps at some point Trump or the supreme court declares:

    “Doing work for/in name of King Trump is it’s own reward, outstanding bills are null and void”.

  • Actually he is doing a:

    “Give money, or I let the guy with the gun shoot you”

    It’s the same scheme he uses to pressure Zelensky/Ukraine.

    (The NATO agreement was “attempt for 2%” and no way to enforce it if it didn’t work out, so Trump’s whole “or else” point is a form of blackmail outside of the written agreements)

    Doesn’t detract from your other point, the European armies do need a boost, have needed one for a while now. And as a combined bloc the EU should muster up a permanent standing (modern) army.

    They should also buy/manufacture their own equipment to be less dependable on the whims of the US and keep their defense funds within the EU. But I’ll bet this is something Trump does not want to happen, perhaps he’ll start shouting the EU should pay HIM 5% and not NATO…

    Ad a sidenote, the EU should now be seen as one financial entity and count the % to that, not individual countries.

  • You’re right, but what you’re not quite mentioning is that most of these defeats came from Russia instigating the conflict (even well before the communist revolution). Ie. it performed small invasions in various Baltic states, sweden and finland in the Napoleonic eras and was a general nuisance at the borders.

    Russias long time battle strategy of using its populace as cannon fodder, and seeing individuals as worthless workers for the state, is also the reason why it never amounts to actually realizing the huge threat outsiders think it is.

    In potential they can amass every citizen in the working force for their military complex.
    But if those same citizens are bereft of anything that inspires them the fighting spirit dwindles and force must be used to push them to fight which isn’t a great thing for morale.

    It showed in the Russian defeat against Napoleon, Napoleon took his inspired armies deep inside Russia, and all the Russians had as a strategy was just torch every town, city and granary in Napoleon’s path, untill he got stuck in the freezing winter without supplies nor local inhabitants to aid his conquest. The same thing it did with its own people during the communist revolution, it torched villages and killed livestock of any single Russians against the regime change. World War 2 also saw this tactic being used, and in Ukraine we’re seeing it again.

    So the thing is, be it under the Tsar, the communist regime, or under Putins hybrid oligarchic communism, the cannon fodder doctrine never left the Russian way of thinking.

    And this, in essence, also is why Russia is considered the antithesis and “the enemy” to the West’s view of individualism.

  • Seeing how the European members are one financial bloc it would be appropriate to count them as one and average their spending, then it would probably go past the 2% easily (I don’t have nor know how to use the relevant data, so correct me if I am wrong).

    But this is not useful for Trump’s reasoning to want to leave NATO so he will not do that and count everyone separately, be it EU or other members.

    He needs the excuse, and seeing how the EU is thwarting his and Putins plans for Ukraine, I can see Trump will come with an ultimatum this or next year to actually leave/dismantle NATO.

    I am convinced that the only thing keeping Trump from leaving NATO right now is the income the Military Industry is receiving from this.

  • Ofcourse all political deals are -finalized- behind closed doors, but the whole world, including Zelensky knew he was expected to be there for protection for his country, not to be attacked by bullies still trying to blame him for a war he did not start…

    It is strange how you keep blaming Zelensky for being verbally attacked by Trump, someone who is supposed to be an ally, how is that Zelensky’s fault? Trump invited a LEADER of a foreign country, supposedly an ally, and starts disrespecting and berating his honored guest immediately …

    Think about it, Trump visiting Israel and Netanyahu and 2 of his staff begin insulting Trump, strongly suggesting the president of the USA kiss their shoes on camera for whatever reason…

    Zelensky and Ukraine are fighting for their right to exist, they are not the cause for the casualties as you keep inferring. Only one person is responsible for the bloodshed and that is Putin. And only two people can almost instantly stop the bloodshed, Putin with an immediate withdrawal, and Trump by 500% supporting Ukraine. Zelensky can not do this, not even if he literally kisses Trump’s feet on camera, it serves only to demean him in front of his soldiers back in Ukraine. And it is very good he has a backbone.

    One thing you, and Trump seem to ignore, is that if Zelensky now fully surrendered Ukraine to Putin the bloodshed will continue, Putin will kill all Ukrainian soldiers, burn villages that withstood his plans, demolish internal industry and markets, brainwash the children and wipe the history, every product is to be shipped to Russia and Ukraine is left to starve in its ruins…

    So the enemy needs to hear it spoken loudly that the US fully protects an ally and backs it, this should not be a matter of secrecy. And the world expects it to be spoken out loud.

    The moment a question of protection/security needs to be whispered about something is not right…

    And somehow, clearly, there was no sign anymore of Trump offering protection in out in the open.

    (Yet he can do it for Israël, with his hellfire threat on Gaza, and Netanyahu did not need to grovel, nor get bullied)

    And sure the deal was probably laid out before that, but perhaps we did not see/hear Trump do an “I altered the deal…” as he has done before. Who knows what crumpled up note Zelensky received as he stepped from his ride, perhaps it even said there will not be a 2nd meeting.

    But the minerals were the payment and not the important part, and the payment could be done behind closed doors.

    … A small example on why the main objective shouldn 't be hidden:

    Loudly and publicly proclaiming “I paid $500!” then walking off makes no sense, everyone hearing you say that will ask “for what”.

  • This is the end of a once great america, no matter Trump’s promise…

    All trust is gone for years, perhaps decades to come.

    The petrol dollar that gave the US it’s hegemony by stepping away from gold reserves into the dollar as backing financial system will be dismantled.

    It already was on shaky grounds with the US printing infinite money without guarantees to pay off a huge debt beyond the petro dollar’s shield, but now all trust in the US is gone and the shift to another monetary system will start.

    BRICS will take off and Trump can not stop it (not even counting him being under russian influence to let it happen). Europe will pay oil in euros for a while.

    In a decade we might see rise of a global traders currency based on a true, set value.