Americans are quick to forget our neighbors are scary as hell when they’re upset. Canadians just haven’t had a good reason to be too upset since the World Wars
Americans are quick to forget our neighbors are scary as hell when they’re upset. Canadians just haven’t had a good reason to be too upset since the World Wars
I work Logisitcs Management and manage 200+ drivers for last-mile deliveries for a large company. I don’t like the company but I take pride in my work and the projects that I manage, but I’m using it as a stepping-stone for something better in the future
Isn’t that one of the classifications of genocide?
Jesus Christ it’s Agent Archer
OG Mario Kart and Mario Party 2. Played those until I found Halo, then my video-game addiction set in
He’s that one guy that works at Vance Refrigeration, I think
This gives me Wes Anderson vibes.
I wouldn’t trust Disney to do it well, honestly, especially with how they’ve rolled with Lucas’ idea that SW is for kids and dialed it up to 11. Let a lesser-known studio create it but with Disney money, and we might have a decent set of KOTOR films / series
Personally I would love a movie or mini-series - which leans heavily on the more graphic, grounded aspects of the EU - beginning with the Malachor V incident, showcasing the backstory and rise of both Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus - ultimately being found by Darth Traya and forming the Sith Triumvirate. I’d love an open-ending that shows Sion taking the Republic Vessel and arriving at Peragus, and a post-credits scene of Nihilus sending Visas Marr to hunt Meetra Surik.
I’d also love to see a series with Gungi set 100yrs or so after the OT in which he’d be restoring or expanding a new Galactic Jedi Order as a threat from the Void begins to destabilize the galaxy. Ideally he’d have the wisdom of Yoda (if not more) but without Yoda’s arrogance, given his coming-of-age during the CW and the GCW
Gungi! It’s even mentioned in TCW series and Bad Batch that, while incredibly rare, there have been several accounts of Wookie force users through the millenia. Would love to see a series set 100yrs or so after the OT of Gungi helping to re-establish or expand a new galactic Jedi Order as a threat from the Void threatens the stability of the galaxy - with the wisdom of Yoda but without the complacency due to his experience coming of age in TCW and the Galactic Civil War
Do you live to argue? Did you even read what I wrote, or do you only cherry pick? You’re resorting to whataboutism. And for the record no, because Russia is a full-blown oligarchy that holds farce “presidential” elections. The fact Trump, the leader at the time, lost shows we’re doing better than Russia is.
We both support progressive candidates and ideologies. I hate Biden, but I live in a state where I’ll have to vote for him. But since you don’t want to have an actual conversation, we’re done here. Talk like this is why Republicans are doing so well despite over half of the US hating their guts.
I agree, tbh, and my career is involved with economics lol. But, as with climate change, I do what I can with what’s available and try to improve what I can when possible.
Do I see it getting better? Not anytime soon. But I sure as hell don’t want to hasten the outcome.
Alright, you’re just arguing for the sake of it at this point and putting words in my mouth lol. While we’re technically in a capitalistic oligarchy, we do have some democratic processes at play. I don’t like it, and you don’t either. Which is weird because you’re seemingly arguing against the only candidate that is actively trying to maintain that semblance of democracy. Trump has actively tried to undermine this semblance of democracy in each of the recent elections, even in the election he won.
Let’s circle back for you. Biden is the lesser evil of the two. When these are your only realistic choices in our current system, there’s only one that’s obvious. Campaign for structural reform and for politicians that want to reform and improve the system we have.
You’re talking about primaries and I’m talking about presidential generals. I voted Bernie each time in the primaries because I think the DNC establishment is too far right. I personally think Bernie isn’t progressive enough, but this is the US.
We’re literally in agreement on this part, and I said Biden was morally dubious. Guy’s a terrible person and a horrible politician, don’t get me wrong. But I’ll take Biden over Trump any day, because at least Biden has never incited an insurrection
One evil respects democracy and at least wants to better the lives of most the people in the country. Morally dubious, but has helped more people than harmed.
The other respects only himself and wants to better the life of only himself while using anyone and anything he can to achieve that - remember the time he claimed the election was stolen before it was even concluded? The guy literally has a psychologist in his family who detailed how awful he really is, and was before he became president.
And then there’s RFK Jr. who had a worm starve to death inside his brain. He isn’t necessarily evil, just horribly stupid
You’re just like the people Op is talking about.
The Mississippi Delta is no better, and they vote similarly to Jackson. The state’s government thrives on depriving its people to bolster their own interests.
I love how they mention it isn’t just a Jackson problem. I grew up in MS - several hours away from Jackson - and the water often wasn’t clean, either due to it literally being dirty or having some issue from the treatment facility. Boil water notices were common, and I was from a nicer area. I never realized that wasn’t the standard of living until I moved away.
In MS, especially in Jackson, there was a lot of blame being thrown around and broken promises made while the residents literally bathed in brown water. Combine this with the fact MS has critically underfunded many services in general, and seldom offers sustainable public options, it was a recipe for disaster. I’m hopeful change actually happens this time, because the people there desperately need it. The State has neglected them at every turn, but they’ve generally been conditioned to believe there are no viable alternatives to the current styles of leadership.
They’re not justifying racism, they’re explaing how the US has gotten to where it is today and why people act as they do. The culture here regarding it is different compared to most parts of Europe, and people generally are trying very much to combat these issues. But as this is a deeply cultural and historical undertaking in the US, a lot of change - cultural, political, or otherwise - will happen very slowly and will not always appear progressive. Despite recent events, the US has generally - though not always - been making small steps in the right direction here. Seit du Deutsch bist, weißt du, Fortschritt ist kompliziert.