If you think it’s insane it’s basically still how we took the Kingdom of Hawaii.
If you think it’s insane it’s basically still how we took the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Lol. Welcome to chasing a pipe dream or crippling depression.
The answer is largely as simple as socialism plus Kant with some secular Jesus because any system that condones human exploitation will eventually implode due to psychopaths’ willingness to sacrifice others for power.
But literally basically everything is done wrong to maximize exploitation. Housing, schooling, medicine, food… All fucked to make the richest richer.
Liberalism is the slow road to fascism.
That bit makes more sense when you factor in Scotus making corporations people.
That’s fine. The Democrat plan is to normalize fascism.
“Both sides are the same” is ultimately true because both empower capitalism’s subjugation of democracy. Every time the GOP tugs right and the DNC meets them half way. The greatest accomplishment of the Democrats in the last 20 years is the ACA- designed by the heritage foundation but stripped of the greatest cost savings measures.
Step one: fund raise on trans rights.
Step two: not support trans rights or any meaningful reform for the people.
Step three: keep losing support while leaning ever right
Step four: fail to do fuck all about RvW for 4 decades
Step five: blame trans people for losing by bringing the party “too far left” while continuing to cut corporate taxes and increase police funding as a percentage of municipal budgets
If America saw what America was doing to America…
Some of this is objective. Some is just nostalgia.
You can still download music and play wow. On this front you probably miss simpler times when you weren’t aware of problems you are now or resent responsibilities that took you from things you enjoyed and make you feel old.
On the other hand, society globally is markedly worse than before COVID with substantial right-wing shifts.
Unfortunately, end of days accelerationists and techno fascist billionaires have been working quite hard to make the world a worse place for several decades…
So I largely agree. Personally, in terms of skills and assets, I’m in a much better place than I was 2000 years ago. However, in terms of happiness and hope for the future… I actually still had some then.
“Rushing change” is a glorious example of “liberal” media sane washing a fascist coup burning the guardrails to the ground.
Good luck overcoming 300 years propaganda.
Your average American reads at an 8th grade level and has spent their entire lives being told what to think but not how.
The majority are so ignorant they think even the concept of currency is capitalism.
And this is how social media hijacks brains.
Yes, they are part of the system. You’re so eager to disagree you don’t understand you’re making my point.
You all won’t be able to fix anything if you’re more focused on what feels good to yell about you can’t focus on the root cause.
I agree. The bad taste is not that while not wrong per-se, it’s just reduces a complex issue into “red bad” while wholly failing to acknowledge that Democrats have been complicit in facilitating the Overton Window this far.
“Progressives” are really hard on the “REPUBLICANS DID THIS!” and never really pick up on the “and Democrats met them half way.”
This blue no matter who reduction hopes to hide liberalism is the slow road to fascism.
The problem isn’t meany racist MAGAts. It’s the entire system spending decades working overtly toward fascism with a bunch of clueless fucking rubes staring complacently.
This is why felon mush bought shitter.
The entire stock market is basically a ponzi scheme.
Push pensions, 401k, 529, HSA money into one spot and then rug the whole market every few years.
Did you ever think you’d live long enough to see Jewish Nazis?
I work 4x10 wfh and I’m more productive than the people that go into the office despite spending no less than half the day playing videogames.
I always keep in mind the first doctor to advocate washing hands after handling corpses was laughed out of medicine and died alone in an asylum ironically enough from sepsis.
To that point, the vast majority of research on nutrition is done on the presumption carbohydrates should be the foundation of our diet. Even “low” carb diet studies with have 30% of the calories coming from simple carbs. Oddly enough, the human body works much differently and much better when you don’t give it -any- sugar: https://youtu.be/cST99piL71E
I can expand, but briefly, sugar acts like a sandblaster through your heart and shreds the endothelium (the finger-things that move things in and out of the bloodstream). LDL is a repair van that drives around with cholesterol and saturated fat to repair the plaques. (HDL brings empty LDL back to the liver) The entire logic of blaming cholesterol for heart disease is like blaming bandaids for stab wounds. Doctors say eat less fat and more “healthy whole grains” (carbs) and the liver makes more cholesterol. Doctor sees cholesterol is still high because the body needs it and prescribes statins which impair production. This leads to nerve pain because it’s what literally every nerve in the body is insulated with.
The problems with cholesterol stem from it sitting in the bloodstream and glycating due to prolonged sugar exposure. Sugar staying in the bloodstream is basically ketoacidosis, so clearing sugar is a priority that results in LDL gumming up and going bad, essentially.
I can expand on this, but basically the human body needs predominantly fat with some protein and actually zero carbs.
I hope this is a bot account or something because this is sincerely one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read. I’ve seen barnacles with more purpose in life than this.
Pelosi was pretty brave defending insider trading after someone used her husband to stress test their hammer.
They aren’t cowards. They’re morons or traitors.
They aren’t -afraid- to do the right thing.
They’re afraid of losing money and power. Or worse, they actually think they’re doing a good thing.