Every donation gives a milk steak to a hungry child
Hasn’t that been the case for a while now? The RX5700 I bought in like 2019 only worked in UEFI systems.
I should run for office. Apparently I have what it takes.
I agree that’s a better way to say it, but I wanted it to mirror Trump’s own words and use them against him
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I’m guessing it’s just Whisenant’s glove
Using a gun to protect property usually lands you in jail on felony charges. That’s why you gotta shout “he’s coming right for us!” before you drop the thief.
Training on what you’re going to carry is important, but all the training in the world can’t prepare you for the real thing. Adrenaline is going to interfere with your fine motor skills. It’s just a natural consequence.
Get something without a manual safety if you’re going to carry it. If you have to pull it, you don’t want to be dicking around with the safety when adrenaline is hampering your fine motor skills.
Is she implying that Zelensky pocketed billions of dollars without anyone noticing?
I just assumed this disclaimer was for live sports, which include ads whether you want them to or not. It’s not like you can just leave out the commercial breaks in a live broadcast.
Oh I definitely had the expansions, but even then weren’t there only like 2 decks you could visit?
Actually I think I still have the game and the expansion thanks to GoG.
Elite Force was absolutely incredible! Considering you were trapped in like a ship graveyard the variety of environments was pretty impressive. The combat was fun, the story was interesting…could’ve used a little more ship exploration on voyager, though.
I kinda hope all 2 million take the offer, and then everything falls apart. Yeah it’ll all go to shit, but we need a storm to realize how nice sunshine can be.
If my state wasn’t already part of the US I would not support joining.
I was talking about the Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness movie with a friend of mine and he mentioned the pride flag that America wears. He said something like “That’s just Hollywood propaganda. There’s no way a 13 or 14 year old would know enough to know they were gay.” And I said, “I knew I was straight by that age.” He didn’t seem to have an answer for that one.
You had to tell people you’re alive because nobody would notice if you died? That’s kinda sad tbh