We’re almost there…
We’re almost there…
People keep writing like Argentinians really believed Milei is going to fix the country. Most people were simply desperate and voted for him protest. If you still think they are stupid for protesting like this that’s fine. Let’s just be clear about what they did.
redistribution of stolen wealth
How are they going to get the stolen wealth back from US and Europe?
It’s a cultural thing. In Poland because of the climate, central heating and probably some other habits everyone has a carpet so you take your shoes off because carpets are hard to clean. In Spain because of the climate you don’t have carpets because stone floors help cool the apartment down. Bare stone floors are easy to clean and are cold during winter so you keep your shoes on.
Depends who’s protesting and what’s the support for the protests among general population. The problem with most of the protests you see is that the people that do the protesting are the same people that oppose the government. So yeah, no government is going to react to protests done by people that don’t vote for it, no matter how big. If the actual people that got the government elected protest or support the protest then they listen. Of course most of the time people know what they are voting and the government is doing exactly what it promised so they will not protest.
I know and what I’m saying is that all those project are moving very slowly while projects like GraphneOS/LineageOS already offer open, privacy oriented phones with good hardware and lot’s of apps. This is simply where more effort is going, where we’re seeing more progress and our best chance at getting “Linux phones”.
Yes, Android has issues but what I’m saying is that so far Linux on phones really hasn’t been able to compete. No one want’s a phone with no camera, no GPS, no apps and terrible battery. Making Linux phones is just super difficult and sadly I don’t see it happening anytime soon. Android is a good platform with lots of hardware and apps. You have Fairphone offering long tern support, f-droid offering privacy oriented apps and LineageOS offering stable OS. Getting more phoes to support it is a better bet than getting Linux to properly work on modern phones.
Yes, it’s all true but the issue is you can already do a lot of those things with a lot of cheap hardware that is is simply easier to support than old phones. And when it comes to phones being phones Android is really good and has a lot of apps. I think the problem with Linux phones getting more popular is that the overlap between desktop/server and mobile is very small. I mean I use my phone only for phone things and a lot of things I do on my phone I can do only on my phone (e.g. charging an electric car is basically impossible without a Android/iPhone). Having a phone that can do some things desktop/server can do but can’t do a lot of things a phone can do is pretty much pointless at this point.
When we’ll get a proper Linux phone with full Android apps support and convergence it will be really awesome but I just don’t think there’s enough interest to get there at this point.
I honestly don’t really get what there is to gain by using “Desktop Linux”.
More freedom I guess. I remember my n900 and how fun it was to just ssh into it and dig in my home directory, install apps with packet manger, edit config files with vi and so on. It really felt like having small Linux machine in my pocket. With Android everything is definitely more locked up but then again, I’m not sure what would I do if it was more open. Writing apps for Android is easier than for desktop (or just as easy), there are no more hardware keyboard phones so using terminal on them is terrible anyway and phones just work anyway so there’s no need to mess with the configuration. Personally I mostly gave up on the ‘Linux phone’ idea and if I need any new features I will simply write cross platform app that runs on Android (for example with tauri).
AOSP. Sad but true.
When first pinephone came out I really believed it’s heading somewhere. It thought that it will be kind of like raspberry Pi (fun, cheap platform to play with) and that we’ll quickly see copycats and it will slowly grow the way Linux on desktop did. AFAIK nothing like this happened. You still can’t get a phone with decent Linux support which for me shows that we’re stuck with android. I think most people that would help Linux phone happen are simply satisfied with LineageOS so there’s no incentive to put as much effort into it as it requires.
This story was also told in a movie. I don’t remember which one.
Yep, I will stick to nvim.
Romanes eunt domus!
You spelled vim wrong.
I’m smart and I’m mostly fine with my minority dying out. It’s definitely sad that in 50 years people will look at things my people created and will not understand any of it but then again, it’s a natural process. I’m sure our art will somehow influence their art and in a way it will live on.
Brexit was the perfect example of how this works: one direct policy change, clear predictions from experts what will happen, clear statements from EU, clear success/failure criteria (better trade deals, stronger economy). 7 years later if couldn’t be clearer how complete failure it was but the party that did it is still going strong. Their excuse? The idea was right but the execution was flawed. Also it’s still better then what the other party would have done.
It will be the same in Argentina. Whatever will happen they will simply claim they did the right thing, it’s their opponents sabotaging their work that responsible for the failure, it would be even worse had they not done it, they are the only ones that can fix it. People expecting that everyone will just agree that what they did was stupid are delusional. It never happens.
I read somewhere about some secret tooth cherished by some sect that was destroyed by grinding it to dust, mixing with shit and throwing in to the ocean. But guess what? Some fishermen said that he totally found the tooth restored floating on a leaf next to the place where they threw it out. You can’t fight believes with real world methods.
Languages don’t care about complexity. Look at Polish. It’s like it makes things complex on purpose. Language evolution is not only about simplifying thing. It’s also about conveying meaning and will adapt to the culture that uses it.
War in Ukraine showed it’s complicated. They may have equipment but how it’s serviced? How competent the command is? From what I know Poland doesn’t have any navy (as in they don’t have any modern unit) but Ukraine also doesn’t have it and is still controlling the Black Sea. They do have Patriots and F-16 so way better than what Ukraine had and Russia never really got air superiority in Ukraine. I would expect them to have good enough artillery and ammo stockpiles to stop any ground troops, same as Ukraine did. My guess is that if they are properly prepared the would easily defend themselves.
Can you put this in a npm package so I can use it in my project, please?