This was at a Price Chopper in western central MO
Price Chopper actually
I went to get chicken for some meal prep a couple of days ago (Missouri, US) and a 1lb container of just chicken breast tenders costs $13, I figured it was a “labor” cost for cutting the tenders off before the customer buys it, like how a container of diced onion costs an order of magnitude higher than just buying a whole onion, but nope, the pack of 2 breasts right next to it cost basically the same, maybe only 50 cents cheaper, and I wasn’t in anything expensive like a whole foods, just a generic lowcost midwest regional store. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention 2 orange or red bell peppers costs $5…
I picked up photography back in May which just started by getting an old point and shoot digicam to take convincing liminal space photos, then I got another… then another… then some film old cameras, a cheap DSLR a set of lens, etc. Etc. It’s become a full on addiction at this point lol
I used to lurk like crazy on reddit. I had a nearly 12 year old account that mainly had a few comments here and there months apart, and only a few posts but ever since moving to Lemmy I’ve found myself actually posting relatively frequently to help build some of the smaller communities I’m in that have also migrated.
It should probably also be noted that the impetus for the accusation is a misquote of him in a video where he said he approves of common sense gun control legislation to ensure that “The weapons of war which I carried, in war is the only place they will be” he did say it a little fast so the publications quoting him dropped the very necessary comma in that sentence and claimed he was saying he carried them during a war, neglecting the fact that with the comma, it makes sense grammatically, and without the comma it doesn’t at all, which is a mistake I doubt a teacher would make, even if they were a social studies teacher and not an english one.