Floorp is kinda sketchy these days, it went closed source, then maybe reopen sourced. I would say Zen is the better pick. and on Android Fennec is a great Privacy fork of Firefox.
Screw global news, corporatist propaganda IMO
Good Lord why were they still releasing machines with 2gb of RAM with a 2nd gen core i3
to help distribute indexing and prevent any one server from getting it’s crawlers blocked. Every search engine server contributes to one another in the federation, and when you search it might hit other servers
True and even using a federated search engine would be great
Canada really needs a domestic search engine and chat,/messaging platform. Those are two huge gaps thatnhace major privacy applications
And Qwant search
Zen Browser too
I’m co-opertive anarchist, not Liberal
Thanks for daily dose of Russian misinformation propaganda.
Yup, it’s more often than not bellybutton lint buildup. Can be cleaned out carefully with a thin toothpick or plastic cocktail sword
#ebooks channel on irchighway afaik
I remember at some point there was a good IRC channel for this too
I hope it gets open sourced, 10+ years ago there were no other performant DS emulators on Android, Drastic was amazing in that most 3D games ran amazingly even on low end phones. These Days MelonDS is where it’s at, even able to run dsi-ware 🍉
I hate PP as much as the next Leftist and will vote against and advocate, but I don’t feel existential dread over the idea of him being elected. So we got that going for us
Nextcloud Has been fairly reliable for me
Trying to join US administration
Brave browser is on the list and is an American company. Why not LibreWolf and Zen Browser as good Firefox forks.
they’ll throw the annexation party at Fords fancy new spa!