I get a bad feeling from this, specially the expansion of the team.
Will Wildhorse studio remain Wildhorse with so many new people?
I get a bad feeling from this, specially the expansion of the team.
Will Wildhorse studio remain Wildhorse with so many new people?
Our second Major Update has arrived, featuring the final confrontation of the surface route, one last Olympian and all his Boons, a new Animal Familiar to bond with, streamlined resource gathering, plenty of new music and artwork, and more! We’re excited to know what you think, and will be monitoring feedback in the coming weeks to ensure these latest additions are working properly.
Not full release. Just an update, bugfix and balance pass.
Ye. Thank you so much!
Another commenter just did.
Thank you for the offer. And you too, enjoy your day! o/
… Thank you!!!
Thanks, but you dont need to :)
The game is Ys: Memories of Celceta. Im currently playing old PC version, but also signing up for private trackers to see if I can get a copy there. Would be useful for the future too.
All public links are dead.
No clue. Was planning on using an emuator.
You can. Mobile is a bit different, in that you have midday checkpoint as well, which you can manually set.
To restart the day, exit to the game title screen, and load the game save. Youll get a prompt to load the current days checkpoint. Select No and you can play the day from the starr.
Its a PS4 game. Nopaystation is upto PS3.
… O.O Please 🙇
Edit: Found it. Apparently its a ‘Legacy Edition’, with dated graphics, but otherwise near the exact same as the PS4 release. (Just missing a single player mechanic to make bosses faster to kill)
Thanks for the heads up!
Ys: Memories of Celceta.
Currently on pause while I redesign my farm. Winter is almost here (fall 24, Year 1), and I want a solid plan on how my farm will look for midgame.
The interior is done. Now just gotta redo the exterior (again).
O.O Thank you!!!
deleted by creator
Sorry, its this one, from the wiki: https://stardew.info/planner/
The other one Stardew Designer doesnt have a farmhouse interior option.
Still playing year 1. Currently fall.
Had a bit of a panic where I got a special request for grub slaying, but delayed it to the last 3 days. Many redos of day 3 and 4 were done before I realised you could save scum rooms till it spawned an acceptable number of grubs (, i.e. 3+). Some rooms had 5-7. Finally made it 😁
Roger, thank you so much!
Roger, thanks for the info!
Huh, chances are I actually might.
I have serious issues running a game to the ground (aka, obsessively play just one game) before moving on, especially large games. (I WANT to enjoy them. I also want enjoy everything else in the game. End up burned out by the final boss. )
Been trying to pace myself with Stardew, and been successful do far, but I was looking for something switch up with Stardew. This just might be it.
Thanks for the heads up!
This. So much this.
The comments section of Pirate Bay (back when it was good) was how I learned to troubleshoot pirate game installation.