That TMZ “documentary” was fucking gross. Obvious right wing propaganda.
That TMZ “documentary” was fucking gross. Obvious right wing propaganda.
That option only shows up when you set up Pro edition unfortunately.
You’re right, it was in S mode. I had to create a junk email address to unlock it. The original account was an admin but it wouldn’t remove S mode without an MS account.
I’ve had 2 instances where the Shift+F10 method didn’t work on a Windows 11 Home edition install. 1 was a brand new HP laptop I set up for a friend. It came with a bunch of bloatware so I created a bootable USB and reinstalled the OS. It didn’t pull up a command prompt when I tried the command no matter what I did. The second was at work. I accidentally let it update during the setup and afterwards it accepted the bypass command, but still never gave me the option to log in without a Microsoft account. I have a feeling they’re phasing that option out for Home.
At least Pro has the domain join option. Still it sucks that Bitlocker gets set up automatically and associates the key with the first Microsoft account you sign in with.
It looks an awful lot like those generational AI movie stills. There were videos a couple years ago that were just stills with a title like dark souls as an 80’s movie.
Lol, I really don’t care. I’m a cis gendered dude and I’m completely comfortable using the men’s bathroom. It just defeats the stated purpose to have a 3rd bathroom for people who feel uncomfortable in the other 2.
Side note: for the love of god if you shit at work clean up after yourself. Bring baby wipes if you have to.
Except old dudes just use those bathrooms to take dumps all day so it always stinks in there.
Nepotism(hiring unqualified friends and family) is far more rampant and way more destructive than DEI policies ever could be. DEI policies may help unqualified people gain low level positions, but with nepotism it’s usually high level positions.
Here’s a video: https://youtu.be/joV-9FFoA3Q?feature=shared
It’s definitely real.
Apparently they can’t roll out Gemini to my phone because I never gave them my birthday. It’s a really old account and they’ve been sending me notifications to add my birthday for years.
I’ve set reminders on my phone to remember to check lists, but I end up ignoring the reminders because I have too many and they’re annoying.
Spicy curried couscous: https://bittersweetblog.com/2020/01/20/curried-couscous-salad-recipe/
Unfortunately, I’ve worked with a lot of republicans in my lifetime. Hating overpaid CEOs and thinking insurance is a scam are 2 of the only things I’ve seen republicans and democrats agree on. Good fucking luck convicting him.
No this only proves the misogyny ingrained in the US. We will never allow a woman to be president.
I made fun of BotW when I first played it, but once I got into it I realized how great it is. You can’t kill all enemies you come across right away. Much like Elden Ring you make a mark on the map and come back when you’re stronger and you have better gear.
I got bored early on and traversed the whole map climbing each tower. In doing so I really fell in love with the style. I recommend everyone struggling with the game do the same. Open the map completely and explore. Later on it’s super easy to raid the castle for infinite end game gear.
Michael Scott from “The Office”.
Allergies maybe? Most women use special makeup for dates. It could be something she’s wearing like lipstick. It could be something in the food like peanuts or olive oil.
You’re thinking of Seiken Densetsu 3. Suikoden 3 was on PS2.