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A moment of silence for all those who have died of joint-crack disease 😔…
The “of course” makes it clear you dislike the outcome. The long mention of the men who in your eyes “caused” this also makes it pretty obvious what your stance is about this and who you want the scapegoat to be in the discussion.
You say that as if it was the men’s fault for trying to get equal treatment. Clearly you have no idea how the legal system works.
OP, who is a mod, refuses to remove actual 2.5 men content as seen above, and chooses to discriminate and mod abuse by removing my mention of it.
If you can read this, db0, you’re a joke. And not a good one.
Nothing wounds me more than people saying if I cared I’d remember
I get how that could be “annoying”, I don’t get how that could be “bullying” or “fat-shaming”, because honestly, it really isn’t.
The worry seems to come from a place of love and care from what you’re retelling, pushing away that advice from people close to you is not a solution to anything.
Edit: also it seems like you told him to stop after 2 times, when earlier you mention it happening every 3-4 days… It’s not my place to ask but obviously your story has holes in it.
It’s a conflation from people who misinterpret worry from family as accusations. 90% of cases will have the very people who cry “fat-shaming” actually just be receiving advice from family or friends.
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FWBs are great. Wouldn’t give that up for a long term relationship.
Why are you pushing so hard? Leave people alone.
What the hell are you talking about? The Witness is my favourite puzzle game, followed by Lingo. You need to touch grass.
I have but found it clunky…
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