No, they are calibrated and have technicians that set them professionally.
No, they are calibrated and have technicians that set them professionally.
I’ve always considered open government to be registered opinions in real time. People log an opinion, and if it’s a majority opinion for that jurisdiction or electorate then the government must consider it as a bill to be reviewed.
Nailed it
After doing research on solutions I found that many people benefit from volunteering and joining groups.
The ability to look into other people’s needs and glean some joy from solving social issues is usually overlooked by modern society.
Also, people with religions tend to take delivery of life’s goals. They accept the social bindings that find them.
Allow people to seek you out, and take intrigue and curiosity from what is happening. Obey the social contract and get beyond the niceties of not really accepting people into your life.
If you’re surrounded by streets full of bums you could see it as your challenge to work with them, rally against their terrible choices, or escape them.
Experiment with meaning. Take them all out for lunch. Throw a street party for them. Hire a bus and take them somewhere. Teach them how to live again.
Accept your reality and it might accept you back!
The user base already incorporates enshittification. Watching who immediately picked it up was enough of a deterrent for me.
Isn’t that the monetization crowd from Twitter?
Electorates per capita work better because they give the population of a country an equal amount of electable government. Positioning them as just Californians makes them a lower class citizen of the United States with lesser representation.
It also means that criminals will recognise the power of the Republican states and side with them for effect.
Didn’t miss.
Antigravity looked like the clear favourite for scientists, but then they all went into astronomy and the age of the universe.
Doesn’t it have direct parallels among many billionaires?
Phone companies are probably better off without Microsoft helping.
Well, as I’m a skipper I’ll try this again. A skipper or captain doesn’t have to be at the helm. They can competently do their job with any member of the crew at the helm. On larger vessels it’s another matter, but it still doesn’t require the captain to be in driver control. Do you understand yet?
Why’s the time relevant? Did it go stale?
I’ve never been a customer, and I never will.
Captain isn’t driver on boats.
disgruntled communists, you are on their turf
Anytime you want to try it with a bath towel you might realise she’s right. The only thing creating a problem is when it falls off.
Not knowing the law isn’t an excuse before the law in most circumstances.