• 16 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Found a little more info via “pickelhaubes” and Google AI, combining them below:

    Sergeant Josef Mambo, born in 1885 in Tanga, East Africa (modern “Tanzania?”), came to Germany as a child in 1897 and later served as a kettle drummer in the 3rd Prussian Horse Grenadiers, eventually being promoted to Sergeant during World War I.

    Sgt. Mambo was wounded twice - once in Russia and once at Verdun in France. He was one of many Africans who fought for the Kaiser during the war.

    Emphasis mine, above. I’d not known about all this and would like to hear some of their stories.

  • Good points.

    “Oh i want to live more healthy so i dont drink magic potion anymore because i can do it on my own”. Asterix would NEVER do that. He sometimes is the first to go “hey we got the magic potion. That will help us!”

    I think that could have made sense if the potion was corrosive to the imbiber, like drugs or alcohol, but then of course that thread would have wound through the whole series from book one, and would have made it far more gloomy. Could be a really interesting alternate-universe album or mini-series, tho.

  • I feel about the same (btw, en anglais, cela s’écrit “Picts”), and yeah, the Chieftan’s daughter seemed to me like too much of a re-tread of the young guy from the ‘Norseman’ adventure, but much less colorful. That’s part of why I didn’t enjoy the nutrition expert from the last one, White Iris, because he seemed too derivative of the Soothsayer, the Roman agent, the guy who promoted jealousy, the capitalist guy, and so forth. Also, at least for the États-Unis market, nutrition gimmickry was a much hotter topic around the 70’s-90’s, I’d say.

    That said, occasionally there are small brilliant moments, like this one from Asterix and the Griffin: https://lemm.ee/post/3310802

  • I just hope it wont be as dull as the last few.

    I’m sure they’re trying their best, but to me it tends to highlight/underscore what a great writer Goscinny was. Very light-hearted and amusing on the surface, but with careful plotting and good source research to deeply satisfy the reader. I think it’s not talked about enough.

    I’d say there’s also a certain trap lurking for the new writers, in that if 1) they try to spread their wings too much, then the comic will no longer seem authentic, but 2) if they try to follow the ‘rules’ too much, then it will be seen as a weak, imitative album. They have to somehow hit whatever rich, middle ground they can.

    IMO it’s easier for the artist, in that they can keep practicing until they get as close as possible to Uderzo’s style, and their job is basically done. For the right professional I think that’s very possible, as we’ve seen.

    OTOH, I feel like certain other series like Largo Winch, Thorgal, Les Schtroumpfs (specifically the one by “Tebo”) and the tribute albums to Lucky Luke (but not the main line) managed to be excellent under new teams. But it’s not easy, I guess.

  • This was already touched on earlier, but I wanted to add on a bit:

    The idea comes from how Reddit handles it (MultiReddits) but from my experience it’s a feature not many people made use of, and it sounds like a pain to have to constantly create and manage new multi-communities to group together duplicate communities. This shouldn’t be a task that users have to manually do.

    This is a pretty bad or maybe just naive take that IMO doesn’t sum things in a productive way upon Multi-Reddits. That is-- 1) it arguably doesn’t matter a bit how many people make use of it, as each person’s MR is going to be a custom affair, and it works at the individual user level anyway, 2) on the contrary, it’s no trouble at all to build your MR’s either quickly or painstakingly, and you can spread that effort across weeks, months and even years. In the end, I find MR’s fantastically useful as super-custom feeds that you can use to stay focused on a tight range of topics.

    Unfortunately, these kinds of half-baked conclusions tend to suggest to me that OP doesn’t have a whole lot of familiarity with either platform at this time. That said, there’s a lot of interesting ideas in the article, it’s just a little disappointing in various places.

  • It’s still a 3 pound bird spine busting mammals and birds 4 or 5 times their size.

    Yeap, I think that’s the main point, despite our squabblings, hier und da.
    I.e.-- raptors and carnivores of the feline-variety have an almost magical-ability to OWN their prey, so to speak, physics be damned.

  • It may seem counterintuitive, but you’re thinking of it from a human perspective.

    Dang… and I always & specifically aim to *avoid* that!
    (what a burn-my-arse call-out 😔)

    For a person trying to be an assassin, having some Freddy Krueger hands would be awesome. And it’s not like the owl doesn’t put them to great use. For defense, they’re the go to. They are sharp and will stab really good and the keep the face safe. They’ll toss themselves in their backs and slash those things all around, turning themselves into an insane porcupine.

    No-no-NO, that’s not what I was commenting upon. Animals can indeed have slashing, devastating teeth, claws & otherwise to deter rivals and predators. But that is not what I was talking about.

    What I was talking about was the fact that the GHO has -astronomically- overpowered crushing strength in its talons, compared to its typical prey, which has never been measured as being over 16lbs in the wild, AFAIK.

    In superhero terms, it’s almost like having the ability to fly, but only doing some cool hops. But that’s also why I proposed my theory above.

  • Most of what I read describes the grip as what actually kills the prey. The talons are basically backup in the task.

    But just look at the absurd amount of crazy, killing force upon… small rodents, for the most parts! Why, exactly…?

    Now maybe you’re right, and maybe you’re wrong, but I KNOW THIS-- across nature, one of the cardinal rules is that we DON’T waste resources and we DON’T take unnecessary risks. For example, that’s one of the most fundamental concerns across all of nature.

  • Estimated mass of individual prey for the owls has ranged from as little as 0.4 g (0.014 oz) to as much as 6.8 kg (15 lb) --WP

    Based on the grip strength mentioned above I would have half-suspected that these birds were carrying off sheep and the like. But no, it sounds more like it’s about absolutely making sure they get a crushing grip so as not to let the prey accidentally escape. At least, that’s my armchair theory of the moment.

  • Gooottt iiiitttt!

    Okay, when logging in again just now, I realised that last time I seemingly made the mistake of filling in the instance field with my community name, instead (i.e. !eurographicnovels@lemm.ee). So then-- seems to be working properly okay, now. :D


    If I may-- I would suggest that the service check to see if at the very least, the field entry for “Instance” looked like a proper URL. Even better I’d think would be to actually ping the entry, or something like that.

    Because you know… careless idiots like me. ^^

    Not just that, but I’d think it really useful to check that stuff right up front when a user logs in, including checking their ID & PW to see if it successfully logs in. Otherwise I suppose users are bound to see these “500” errors if they screw part of that up, I guess.

    EDIT: Nah, even when I seem to schedule things, the tool just doesn’t seem to work anymore in terms of known time-differences.

  • I didn’t know anyone who would trade modern life for being a caveman again, or even one if someone from a hundred years ago.

    For the rekkid, there never really was a “caveman.” IMO that’s more of a bumbling, modern trope which essentially allows us to more-easily persuade ourselves that previous human states were necessarily miserable or inferior compared to our own.

    Haha, I’m not saying that it’s an EITHER/OR, but moreso that it’s a nuanced collection of pros & cons, and that we modern, naked apes have a natural bias for interpreting our state of being as ‘superior.’

    I mean, whole treatises on psychology have been dedicated upon that phenomenon, if I’m not mistaken.

    Anyway, but no-- I’m pretty sure there are various, flourishing cultures of people who want nothing whatsoever to do with our so-called ‘modern life.’ These range from Amish / Mennonite-types, to the last few, surviving tribal peoples here and there, to monks of different religions in their monasteries to… various communes (more or less), to some folks intentionally living that lifestyle, to whoever else that might be…

    Now, I think part of our faulty thinking upon all this tends to run along the lines of: ‘we’ve accomplished so much’ and ‘we have and can enjoy all these various amenities & privileges,’ sort of looking past the fact that living in this fast-changing, hyper-competitive situation, absolutely overloaded with other humans is in fact stressful and worrying, as per what humans ACTUALLY SAY when polled, and when responding to studies.

    So there’s the rub, so to speak.

    we aren’t ever going to get the toothpaste back in the tube with the environment. Mankind could get better at what we do, but we’re not realistically going back to natural living.

    For sure. Which is why… welp.

  • Thanks for the interesting comments, matey. Let’s see… (and pardon, kinda in a rush here)

    In reading comments from some other articles, other people refer to us humans as well.

    Hmm, not sure I got that part?

    If you’d look at humanity in the pre-industrial age,

    So to be clear, across ~99.8% of our history.

    …you’d say we needed much more space to live so we could run our marginally productive farms and to hunt game,

    Given our population density across the 2Myrs of Homo, I’d argue that we barely needed any space at all, being in our traditional clan/tribal state, which naturally shifted with the seasons and such. As for agriculture? I believe modern science estimates it’s only about 10Kyrs old. Again, just a blip in human history.

    but now we can live in multi-story buildings in huge cities and technically thrive better than ever in history.

    I think it could potentially work, but under the capitalism model, is proving to be an absolute disaster, directly leading to the current, ongoing mass-extinction event. (r/collapse for more info than you might want to know)

    Is that different than reducing the animals’ habitats while providing them with superior nutrition and medicine?

    As a former zoo-worker, I believe in zoos at the BEST of times. Unfortunately, that’s not necessarily the case when you look at situations around the world. In any case, above all-- other animals don’t need special care from us in the slightest, generally-speaking. They simply need their habitats *not* to be messed with, critically.