They also had the scare factor of I will kill your family if you talk which trump might have a hard time doing.
They also had the scare factor of I will kill your family if you talk which trump might have a hard time doing.
Yeah it’s great. Bottles is the best tool imo, lutris almost feels like a relic from the early days of Linux gaming, and non-steam games in steam don’t always work exactly how you might want, and aren’t so much fun. There is also heroic games launcher now which lets you add custom games and is also a very nice option if you don’t use gnome (bottles is a gnome style app so it may look out of place elsewhere). I would put some thorough research into VPNs if you torrent though because the one I used on my Linux box (expressvpn) leaked my ip at some point and I got a letter in the mail.
So perhaps the most painful death would be just before that threshold.
I read the title, I just don’t. Know what that is. I assumed it was short YouTube videos, and hence the same algorithm information would apply.
What’s a YouTube short?
Not me man
What specific thing? The entirety of YouTube? Just the algorithm? Either way their algorithm may not be designed to do promote videos you want to watch, in reality it’s most likely designed to promote stuff that will draw them the most ad revenue and not promote really good stuff all the time. If your content is always great people will expect that and there will never be a great video, on the contrary if there is a great video among mediocre ones at best people will engage more in those (especially if they are longer and even if they have more ads), and additionally will engage more in your platform. This means that even if they aren’t making as much per video they are still making more in the long-term. And that’s really all they care about, your experience means nothing to them.
I can’t believe x is not gonna give it to you. This is just unbelievable.
While this makes sense, these prices of equipment are very complicated and may go over a child’s head due to limited intellect. I think it would be more appropriate to provide them with their own class of weapon. Attach whatever machine gun or mortar you wish to the front of a fisher price car or other motorized variant and let them have at it. This also reduces training costs.
That would be good if the government wasn’t lying to you. It is in fact none of those things causing climate change, and it is exclusively farting by middle and high school boys. If we get rid of them the world would be a greener place #endchildren2023
For real! I went mountain biking earlier today, and I witnessed some kid hit a tree at high speeds, I don’t know if he was ok. Clearly people cannot be trusted with this military grade equipment, and will be hurting themselves and possibly others. Criminalizing cycling.
Blunt trauma
Bro is a creep
The algorithm seems like it is optimized for profit, not for actually being a good platform.
Are you making a vr desktop/wm?
I wish they were payed actors, I wanna get payed to spread misinformation about a video game. Seems like easy money to me.
No it’s not a cake. It’s the reverse of one of those things that looks like an object but is really cake.
Because nuclear is pretty cool whereas renewables are less awesome. Think about it, the nuclear symbol ☢️ is much more interesting and cooler than the renewable ♻️ symbol. We all know this is what really matters.
What’s fodzyme? These days I’m carrying 2 pills with me everywhere I go just in case.